

2008-12-15 10:34
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28Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:
1. describe the picture;
2. list the advantages and disadvantages of urbanization;
3. draw your conclusion.
You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.
由于提纲清晰,这篇文章的结构易于把握:先描述图画,之后分两段来说城市化的利与弊,最后下结论。In the picture, we see a newly emerging community: there are supermarkets, schools, banks and hospitals. A resident tells us, "Eight years ago it was still the countryside." The history of reform and openingup is the history of rapid economic development; it is also the history of largescale urbanization of our nation.
I firmly believe that the advantages of urbanization are many. First, when more and more people flood into cities, the city is often becoming bigger and bigger and many people move out of the downtown area and into the suburbs. This trend of urban construction is beneficial to future city development as a whole. Second, it provides more development opportunities for big cities. With more and more people coming to the city, urban development is experiencing a new round of leaping forward.
Urbanization may also bring a series of unfavorable consequences. First, the farmland in the country is shrinking. Second, sometimes, the rural land, rivers and air are polluted. When more and more new factories are set up, the surrounding environment is likely to decay. In my mind, it is not necessarily the result. Finally, the young people who still practice farming are becoming fewer and fewer. Some of them go to big cities to pursue a better life. Some of them stay at home, but begin to do business or work in local factories.
All in all, urbanization brings more benefits than problems. The present society is experiencing great changes-what we should be sure is that we strike a balance between economical development and environmental protection. 在提纲中出现关键词,是少见的,我们一定要抓住这里的重要信息。urbanization即是文章讨论的主题。
首段末句使用平行结构与分号引出本文主题--城市化,非常引人注目。次段第一点中的move out of the downtown area and into the suburbs这一词组是同一动词接不同地点状语的情形。第二点中的With more and more people coming to the city是介词引导的复合结构。第三段第一点中的shrink表示"缩减",用在这里很妥当。第二点中的decay表示"变坏"。第三点中的pursue表示"追求"。末段的第二句中有破折号的用法。
29Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should:
1. describe the drawing,
2. interpret its meaning, and
3. make your comment.
You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.
年份1999200020012002我国城镇登记失业人数(万人)575595681770我国城镇登记失业率(%)该文可分三段来写。第一段描述图画。第二段分析该现象产生的原因。第三段谈该现象的现状。In the picture, we can see that the old man, with a stick in one hand, although sweating heavily and breathing hard, can hardly keep up with the young man who is looking back with a smile on his face while darting forward. The old man signals "low income" and the young man represents "high housing price".
Three reasons, in my belief, can account for this phenomenon. First and foremost, with the deepening of reform and acceleration of urbanization, more and more people want to settle in big cities and buying an apartment is the best way to merge into the local community. Furthermore, more and more local and foreign investors flood into the housing market, pushing the already soaring price to an even higher level. Last but by no means the least, in many cases Chinese people often can not gain the sense of security completely until they have owned their own apartment-they will save every penny just to fulfill this lifelong dream.
We are happy to see that the problem has become not so serious up until this moment. The chief reason is that the government has issued the policy to limit the investment in the second apartment and build up more apartments for lowincome families. I personally believe that more and more people can change their traditional mode of thinking-they can rent an apartment, which is much less expensive. In this case, they can improve their living quality and thus live a better life.第一段首句描述图画,第二句讲明老人与年轻人分别表示什么。
第三段首先讲该现象已不那么严重了,原因是政府出台政策的结果。然后提出个人建议,更多人可以选择租房。 对于社会现象,许多同学有一个疑惑:如果我的分析不够全面、深入怎么办?其实大家只要尽力而为就可以了。特别是对社会争议很大的问题,大家进行认真的思考与推理,得出自己的结论,即使可能不完善、不专业,也是值得赞扬的。一方面,阅卷老师更重视语言;另一方面,只要行文能自圆其说,不出现巨大错误,就不会因此而失分


