

wangdan_08 2008-11-01 03:01
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翻译:Daniel Wang

Heads in the sand?

For the last six week the financial crisis has smashed world markets, destroyed trillions in wealth and in some cases pushed countries to wall.It has dominated headlines, at times making the elections both here and in the US seem secondary in importance.September and October 2008 will go down in history as two of the most volatile and extraordinary months in the world's economic history.


For many New Zealanders watching these world events I suspect it has been worrying but also a little perplexing.Because while we know what is happening is bad and it that will affect us...we don't know yet how bad it is actually going to get in New Zealand?


Some Kiwis don't seem worried at all...I have heard people say "oh I'm over the credit crisis" like it is something very trivial that isn't actually 'real'.I think there is a good reason for this attitude. Unemployment is very low in New Zealand - 3.9% in fact - and even though we are in recession and lending by banks has tightened there haven't been massive job losses yet.


However I wonder if this confidence in the employment market is going to take a big hit next week with the release of the Household Labour Force Survey and unemployment rate.According to recent business confidence surveys, businesses are reassessing future earnings growth given the slowdown in world demand and are having to make hard calls on staffing levels.Sixty four percent of those polled in the New Zealand Herald's Mood of the Boardroom Survey for example say they will cut jobs next year.


Given that, it's not a surprise that both political parties are promising some relief for those who do lose their jobs because of the downturn.This support can carry some so-called moral hazard risks.But I think the move is worthwhile. It's necessary for maintaining confidence and ensuring people can keep paying mortgages while under short term stress.No doubt the banks will be happy too, the last thing they want is people unable to pay mortgages.

The good news in all of this is that we are coming off a very low base - 3.9% is virtually full employment and so far the worst predictions I've seen are that it will spike to 6.5% next year.That will be painful and is not great, but is still not massive by historical standards...

With a lower dollar, a more diversified export sector and a solid Crown balance sheet...we will weather this storm better than many nations.But make no mistake, 2009 won't be an easy year.




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