

2012-01-07 20:04
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Text 1

21. D a cause of undesirable behaviors

22. B learn from advertisers’experience

23. A adequately probe social and biological factors

24. C occurs without our realizing it

25. Dquestionable

Text 2

26. C dishonoring.

27. A obtain protection from Vermont regulators.

28. A managerial practices.

29. B the mature of states’ patchwork regulations.

30. B the authority of the NRC will be defied.

Text 3

31. A uncertainty and complexity.

32. A strict inspection.

33. B has been examined by the scientific community.

34. D scientific work calls for a critical mind.

35. D Challenge to Credibility at the Gate to Science.

Text 4

36. C unions have enlarged their public-sector membership.

37. D Public-sector unions seldom get in trouble for their actions.

38. B indirectly augmented.

39. C may be a barrier to public-sector reforms.

40. A disapproval.

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