

stan 2011-10-10 09:28



répondez s'il vous plaît. (RSVP)  请您回电
Please reply. Though francophones may use more usually "prière de répondre", it is common enough. (Note: RSLP ["Répondre s'il lui plaît"] is used on old-fashioned invitations written in the 3rd person, usually in "Script" typography — at least in Belgium.)

ressentiment  不满,很怒
a deep-seated sense of aggrievement and powerlessness

restaurateur  餐馆老板
a restaurant owner

Rive Gauche 巴黎塞纳河的右岸
the left (southern) bank (of the River Seine in Paris). A particular mindset attributed to inhabitants of that area, which includes the Sorbonne

roi fainéant  甩手国王
"do-nothing king" : an expression first used about the kings of France from 670 to 752 (Thierry III to Childeric III), who were puppets of their ministers. The term was later used about other royalty who had been made powerless, also in other countries, but lost its meaning when parliamentarism made all royals powerless.

rôle  角色
a part or function of a person in a situation or an actor in a play

roman à clef  根据真人真事写的小说
"novel with a key" : an account of actual persons, places or events in fictional guise

sang-froid 冷血的
"cold blood" : coolness and composure under strain; stiff upper lip. Also pejorative in the phrase meurtre de sang-froid ("cold-blooded murder").

sans  没有

sans-culottes 无套裤衩
"without knee-pants", a name the insurgent crowd in the streets of Paris gave to itself during the French Revolution, because they usually wore pantaloons (full-length pants or trousers) instead of the chic knee-length culotte of the nobles. In modern use: holding strong republican views.

saperlipopette 天哪(表示惊讶)
goodness me

