
[彭蒙惠英语] 農曆新年(1/3)

singleben 2008-02-17 22:43
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NEWS worthy Clips (1/3)

Update your vocabulary with news clips from around the world 

Lunar New Year

An Asian proverb states that (one sentence), so the Lunar New Year is a celebration of change. Asians send out the old year and welcome the New Year by shooting off fire cracks on New Year's Eve.

This year brings in the Year of Rat. Many westerners wonder why certain animals were chosen to represent each year in (one phrase). Since more and more people are becoming interested in "things Asian," this is a good time to use English to let the western world know more about Asian folklore.
The Jade Emperor's Race

One legend features the Jade Emperor, also known as the Emperor of Heaven. Long ago, the Jade Emperor decided to create a system to time. On his birthday, he held the race for all animals across the fast-flowing river. The first twelve animals across would each have a year of the zodiac named after them.

The animals lined up along the river. The rat and cat which were good friends knew they were poor swimmers, so they asked the ox if he would carry them across the river.

"Yes”, said the ox," just climb on my back".

The rat and cat jumped on, they had almost reached the other bank when the rat pushed the cat into the river, and just before the ox climbed out of the water the rat leapt onto the bank to finish first. "First place goes to you", said the Emperor to the rat. “The first year will be named after you.”
The poor ox had been so the second year was named after him.

Tiger and rabbit

Soon the exhausted tiger arrived. Swimming against the strong currents has been a struggle for him. The Emperor was delighted to name the third year after him.

Next to arrive was the rabbit, who had hopped to across on some and then jumped on a log that carried him to the shore.
"I am happy to call the fourth year after you", the Jade Emperor said.


Vocabulary Focus

mentor (n)--- an experienced person who gives help and advice to someone with leass experience

tie to (phr v)--- to connect to soemthing

pitch in(phr v)--- to start to do something as part of a group, especially something helpful

a tad (n phr)--- a little, slightly

spell (something) out(phr v)--- to explain something in avery clear way with details

glean(v)--- to collect information in small amounts and often with difficulty

solicit (v)--- to ask someone for information or help

Specialized terms

inventory(n) 存貨--- the amount of gooods a business has

focus group(n) 焦點團體--- a group of people who have been brought together to discuss a particular subject in order to solve a problem or suggest ideas


相关热点: 高考英语作文