
[六级词汇] CET6淘金词汇第三十二课 lesson32

2007-02-05 10:40
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appendix n.阑尾;附录
For further information, ;如果想做进一步了解,
please refer to the appendixes at the end of the book. ;请参阅书后的附录.

bless vt.(~with)使有幸得到, 使具有;为…祈神赐福 (或保佑)
The farmers are blessing propitious winds and rains. ;农民们正在祈求 风调雨顺.

buzz n.嗡翁声,嘈杂的谈话声 vi.发出嗡翁声,发出嘈 杂的谈话声;
What's all this buzzing about?Can't you discipline yourselves? ;你们在嘤嘤嗡嗡做什么? 你们安静点不行吗?

carve vt.切,把…切碎(或切 成片);雕刻,刻
The talented artist carved an interesting decoration from this piece of tree root. ;天才的艺术家把这块树根 雕成一件有趣的装饰品.

commonwealth n.联邦,联合体
The former USSR republics ;前苏联共和国
formed by themselves the Commonwealth of Independent States(CIS). ;自发组成了“独立国家 联合体(独联体)”.

denounce vt.谴责,指责;告发
The president's speech denounced the killing of hostages by the terrorists. ;总统的讲话谴责了恐怖 分子对人质的杀害行为.

disturbance n.扰乱,打扰;骚乱, 混乱;烦恼,心神不定
The noise of cars passing along the road ;马路上的车辆声
is a continual disturbance to our quiet home. ;不断扰乱我们家中的 安宁.

ecology n.生态,生态学
When the ecology of a region is disturbed,it takes years to return to normal. ;如果一个地方的生态被 破坏,往往要多年才能恢 复正常.

flank n.肋,肋腹;侧翼 vt.位于…的侧面
During the march,we were attacked on our left flank,but they got no advantages. ;行军途中,敌人向我们的 左翼发起了进攻,但是他 们没有占到便宜.

foul a.难闻的,发臭的; 糟透了的;污浊的, 下流的,(天气)恶劣的
It's a foul night tonight, ;今夜天气坏极了,

foul vt.(比赛中)对…犯规; 弄脏,污染 n.(比赛中的)犯规
it's pouring with rain,with thundering and lightning. ;大雨倾盆,电闪雷鸣,

generalize vt.概括,归纳,推断
Knowledge is generalized experience. ;知识是经验的总结.

hinge n.铰链
The lid of the suitcase had a broken hinge,so it doesn't open easily. ;小提箱箱盖的铰链坏了, 因此不容易打开.

incorporate vt.包含,加上,吸收; 把…合并,使并入
The three largest Japanese banks incorporated ;日本最大的三家银行合 并,
into the world's largest banking group. ;组建了全球最大的金 融集团.

legend n.传说,传奇故事; 传奇人物
Pele,Maradonna and other footballing legends have become household figures. ;贝利、马拉多纳等足球界 传奇人物早已成为家喻户 晓的名字.

masterpiece n.杰作
The famous French writer Dumas Sr. once wrote that Dumas Jr. was his masterpiece. ;法国大文豪大仲马曾经写 道,他的儿子小仲马是他 的杰作.

monopoly n.垄断,专卖; 垄断商品,专卖商品
The influence of mass media has made new technical terms ;大众传媒的影响已使新的 技术术语
no longer the monopoly of the specialist. ;不再为专家们所垄断.

nominal a.名义上的,有名无实的; (费用等)很少的, 象征性的
In constitutional monarchy,the king and the queen are only nominal. ;在君主立宪制中,国王和 王后只是象征性的,
The country is ruled by the prime minister and the cabinet. ;国家由首相和内阁统治.

opaque a.不透明的,不透光的; 难理解的,晦涩的
Bathroom window panes are usually made of opaque glass. ;洗澡间的窗玻璃通常是用 不透明的毛玻璃做的.

pave vt.铺(路),铺筑
This agreement is expected to pave the way for a lasting peace ;人们期待这个协议将为 持久和平铺平道路.
between the two countries. ;两国之间的

plague n.瘟疫,鼠疫;灾难,祸患 vt.使痛苦(难受) 给…造成困难(或麻烦)
The incidence of cholera in the camps has reached plague proportions. ;营中霍乱流行已酿成瘟 疫之灾.

preach vt.宣讲(教义),布道; 竭力鼓吹,宣传 vi.布道,说教
You have faith in him? He is just a triger preaching benevolence. ;你居然相信他?他就像一 只老虎鼓吹仁道一样.

recite vt.背诵,朗诵;列举, 一一说出vi.背诵,朗诵
don't encourage him,or he will recite the whole family history. ;你可别鼓励他,要不他会 把他的家族史和盘托出.

reckless a.鲁莽的,不考虑后果的
I never think it's advisable for ordinary people to possess guns, ;我从来认为普通人拥有枪 支是不好的,
they might be reckless under certain conditions. ;因为在某些情况下他们 会不考虑后果的.

simultaneous a.同时发生的,同步的, 同时存在
There was a simultaneous broadcast of the concert of ;那场音乐会由电视和无线 之声同时播送,
the world's three most renowned tenors on TV and radio. ;这场音乐会有全球最著名 的三位男高音歌唱家参加

trench n.沟,沟渠
The soldiers are opening trenches to prepare for yet another, ;士兵们正在挖战壕,准备 应对敌军另一次
more violent attack from the enemy troops. ;更猛烈的攻击.

unify vi.使联合,使统一; 使相同,使一致
In my opinion,Abraham Lincoln was honored mostly in the U.S. ;在我看来,美国人尊重 林肯,
because he unified the country. ;主要是他保持了美国的 统一.

verge n.边,边缘 vi(~to)接近,濒临
Don't blame her;she is on the verge of tears. ;别再责备她了, 她都哭了.

ward n.病房;(城市的)区; 受监护人
Let's try to ward off any potential problems. ;我们还是尽量避免任何 可能出现的问题吧.

weary a.疲劳的,疲倦的;使 人疲劳的,令人厌倦的 vi.(~of)厌烦,不耐烦
Weary of his prototyped roles in the motion picture, ;厌倦了在影片中的固定的 角色,
Ricky Martin decided to try something different. ;瑞奇.马丁决心另辟蹊径.