
台湾女艺人许玮伦发生重大车祸 抢救无效身亡

2007-01-29 23:07
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Actress Xu Weilun Dies

The death of Taiwan actress Xu Weilun was confirmed on Sunday night after she fell into a coma following a fatal car accident.

The 28-year-old actress was sitting in the front seat of a Mini Cooper when the car smashed into a protective fence on an expressway, then hit by a van from behind. Xu's assistant reportedly drove the car, but only sustained minor injuries.

Xu Weilun's head was seriously fractured and she fell into a deep coma after the accident. Xu died of hydrocephalus.

Xu's parents and many friends, including Ariel Lin Yichen, Zhao Shanwei and her ex-boyfriend Lee Wei, stayed at the hospital to accompany her.

The star, once nominated for a Golden Bell award for best supporting actress, was also known for her love affairs with ex-boyfriends Lee Wei and Vic Zhou Yumin.

coma:n. 昏迷
fatal:adj. 致命的
sustain:vt. 经历或遭受
fracture: vt. (使)破碎, (使)破裂
hydrocephalus: n. [医]脑水肿



早在本月26日的深夜时份,许玮伦由女助手驾驶Mini Cooper途经高速公路时,怀疑车辆失控撞栏后弹出外车道,再遭尾随货车撞上,大量失血的许玮伦送往台中澄清医院,经12小时抢救,输血超过10,000cc,延至28日晚八时终告不治。




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