

2006-11-08 11:16



Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence, or that is nearest in meaning to the expressions underlined.

1.  Usually a statute provides a clear answer to the problems.   

A. a judicial decision         B. a just solution to a problem      

C. a law                   D. the goal of lawyers and judges

2.  Where America technological know-how and marketing power once dominated world markets, Americans now find themselves jockeying for business amid a throng of muscular new rivals.

A. riding            B. vying    C. negotiating     D. playing

3.  However, so far, the markets have been impressed by Greenspan's deft moves in inflation busting.          

A. warning or protecting     B. discouraging or upsetting     

C. breaking or taming           D. curbing or curtailing

4.  The old-style classical education received its most crushing blow in the citadel of Harvard College, where Dr. Charles Eliot, a young captain of thirty-five, son of a former treasurer of Harvard, led the progressive forces.

A. stronghold         B. headquarters      C. center D. base

5.  In many institutions, every student is armed with a personal computer along with an e-mail account, which ensures him full access to the academic milieu, because each college or university is hooked up and logged on to an international on-line service.  

A. scene     B. standard      C. advantage    D. success

6.  But that raises concerns for some academicians, mostly from the vintage school, who maintain there's a distinction between information and knowledge, and believe that the latter still requires a live teacher.  

A. prime     B. liberal arts    C. grant-in-aid   D. academic

7. The wizardry of supercomputers is no cause for pride so long as the human intellects that direct it remain mired in the stone age.    

  A. intact      B. oblique       C. unexplored D. antiquated

8. Hemingway's fiction usually focuses on people living tough, dangerous lives — soldiers, fishermen, athletes, bullfighters who meet the pain and difficulty of their existence with stoic courage.

A. staunch and unfailing    B. admirable and impressive

C. rare and inspiring       D. disciplined and enduring     

9. Basic truths, it was felt, can be reached only through instinct and intuition and are a matter of private experience, faith, and conviction.

A. learning      B. presentiment      C. meditation  D. introspection

10. In both urban and rural communities, a rich and varied repertoire of ballads, tales, and poetic forms is preserved in memory and passed from generation to generation.

A. list or stock       B. rehearsal     C. performance      D. creation

11. Citizens of prosperous, essentially middle-class republics whether ancient Romans, seventeenth-century Dutch burghers, or nineteenth-century Americans   have always shown a marked taste for portraiture.         

A. pronounced       B. fortunate    C. understandable     D. mysterious

12. And our ever-popular nightclub singers are the musical heirs of the French singers of chansons.     

A. operas            B. French ballads or folk songs

C. blue              D. ragtime

13. There, the sight of the youthful, pliant bodies of athletes, seen in the most graceful exercises and poses, caused the rapid development of sculpture.    

A. healthy       B. slim and slender    C. easily bent     D. shapely

14. Though MarisoPs hand exempted no one, a repeated target seemed to be inanities in many women's lives, perhaps an oblique reference to the kind of existence her mother led, but also a sharp insight into untenable social situations.

A. trivialities        B. emptiness    

C. snobbery        D. superficialness

15. Still, people continue to build skyscrapers for all the reasons that they have always built them personal ambition, civic pride, and the desire of owners to have the largest possible amount of rentable space.

A. civilized      B. civilian       C. civil         D. public

16. Many studio chiefs were tyrants, determined to get their own way at all costs, no matter how unscrupulous the means.  

A. unbaffled    B. unscathed   C. untarnished   D. unethical

17. Redford's festival created an aura that welcomed young directors and persuaded Hollywood to do the same.  

A. ambience    B. ambiguity   C. austerity     D. authenticity

18. They have extraordinary gut meters for what's good, they're unbelievable salesmen, and they're equally painful to have to deal with.

A. inherent bowels         B. courageous decisions

C. intuitive feelings       D. personal interviews  

19. The external surfaces of plants, in addition to being covered by an epidermis and a waxy cuticle, often carry spiky hairs known as trichomes, which either prevent feeding by insects or may even puncture and kill insect larvae.

A. pierce B. pinch  C. surround    D. cover

20. As they go about their daily business breaking down lipids, or fatty substances, on the skin, these bacteria release volatile substances that usually strike the bloodhound's nose as an entire constellation of distinctive scents.

A. brilliant collection  B. inducement     C. provocation      D. aroma

21. We thus arrive at the serious biological paradox flippantly termed the RRR dilemma; nature's failure to produce rats with retractable roller skates.

A. enigma       B. inconsistency     C. undesirability      D. shortcoming

22. This generalization is harder to prove and arguable it is more like a strong hunch than a scientific assertion but I believe that the record thus far tends to support it.

A. gut feeling  B. belief C. awareness  D. perception

23. The serum made from the crushed bodies of bees produced more adverse reactions than the injections of the venom did.     

A. symptom    B. syndrome   C. anti-toxin    D. mechanism

24. Twenty thousand years ago, the earth was held in thrall by relentlessly probing fingers of ice that drew power from frigid strongholds in the north and crept southwestward to bury forests, fields, and mountains.

A. bondage     B. feebleness   C. disadvantage       D. aversion

25. At the same time, so much was drawn from the oceans to form these gargantuan glaciers that sea levels around the world fell by three hundred and fifty feet, and large areas of the continental shelf became dry land.     

A. icy      B. glistening    C. extremely heavy    D. colossal

26. In no other work did Tchaikovsky express the suffering and mental pain of his life more poignantly than in the first and fourth movements of this symphony.

A. vividly B. thoroughly  C. deeply D. bitterly

27. Yet, if he had been less principled, less impeded by such inhibitions as principle placed in his path through the nineteenth-century capitalistic jungle, it is quite probable that his legacy would have been less benign.   

A. tradition     B. bequest      C. behest   D. generosity

28. And learning is a process not to be concluded only by the active experience of later years, but to be broadened and deepened by persistent and judicious reading.

A. fast     B. sensible      C. in-depth     D. arduous

29. It can only evolve in species with sense organs that are well enough developed so that continuous sensory contact can be maintained.    

A. sensuous    B. sensitive     C. sensual       D. audio-visual

30. The cave-making recipe calls for a steady emission of volcanic gas and heat, a heavy annual snowfall at an elevation high enough to keep it from melting during the summer, and a bowl-shaped crater to hold the snow.

A. recreation   B. formula      C. process      D. necessity


