

2014-01-31 04:00
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筒子们~~这篇文章可能对于部分童鞋来说较枯燥,但是作为练习大家接触这种题材也是有益的噢!希望大家能坚持全文听写哦!  本文将附上译文希望能帮助大家理解。 加油吧!!坚持就是胜利!\(^o^)/~

The third theory: human societies do repeat a cycle of stages, but overall progress is ___(填空不写)in the long historical perspective. 

In a third theory of history, the two above theories are to some degree reconciled. According to this theory, which is often termed the spiral view of history, human societies do repeat a cycle of stages, but overall progress is observable in the long historical perspective. Civilizations do rise and fall, as the advocates of the second theory maintain, but the new civilization which replaces the first, usually by conquest, contains superior qualities which enable it to rise to a higher stage of development until it declines and is replaced by yet a third civilization.
第三个历史理论同上述两个理论在某种程度上是不谋而合的。根据这一理论---通常称为螺旋历史观,虽然人类社会的发展阶段是不断循环重复的,但从长远的历史角度来看其总体进步是显而易见的。第三个历史理论支持第二个历史理论所主张的观点,即文明会经历兴衰,但是它还认为新的文明往往会征服最初文明并将其取而代之。由于新的文明具备更好的条件使它能够发展到一个更高级的阶段。然而这个文明仍会继续向前发展直到它衰败,再被更优越的第三种文明取而代之。 翻译by sugarle