
【新编大学英语】(第二册)Unit 5 C 梦出好心情(4/4)

2014-01-27 04:00
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"The last dream of the night is the one that patients are most likely to remember," explains Cartwright. While the first group was actively working through their blues, resulting in more pleasant dreams at the end of the night and a brighter morning mood, those whose dreams became increasingly unpleasant were more likely to feel low when they woke. Still, this finding has a positive aspect. It allows sleep therapists to predict which of the depressed persons need the most help. It also tells them the topics that disturb their patients most. "If patients remember a bad dream," notes Cartwright, "then whatever that dream is about, that's what therapists should focus treatment on. The patient clearly isn't able to adjust his or her mood, and therapists should work on that." - thus turning troubled visions into sweet dreams.
“病人最可能记住的是晚上做的最后一个梦。”卡特赖特解释说。 第一组病人积极地摆脱忧郁,结果在天亮前做了比较愉快的梦,以致早晨起来心情变好。而那些梦境越来越不愉快的受试者醒来时则更可能情绪低落。 这一发现还有它积极的方面。它使睡眠治疗专家可以预测哪些抑郁病人最需要帮助,还能启示他们了解最困扰病人的话题。 “如果病人记住了一个噩梦,”卡特赖特说,“那么,不管梦到的是什么内容,它就是治疗专家该重点治疗的。病人显然无法调整自己的情绪,治疗专家应该对付之。” 这么一来,我们就可以把扰人的梦境转变成美梦。
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