
TEM-4 听力试题分析 SET 6

merrysue 2006-03-17 16:15
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In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything once only.  Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow.  Mark the correct response for each question on your answer sheet.


In this section you will hear nine statements.  At the end of the statement you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following nine questions.  

1. Who came at last?

A. Both Mr. and Mrs. Johnson came.

B. Neither Mr. Johnson nor Mrs. Johnson came.

C. Only Mr. Johnson came.

D. Only Mrs. Johnson came.  

2. What does the speaker mean?

A. He feels much better as he has stopped smoking.

B. Once he feels better, he will stop smoking.

C. He will feel better unless he stops smoking.

D. If he stops smoking, he will begin to feel better.


3. What does the speaker mean?

A. I rent the flat to save more money.

B. I rent the flat to live near the school.

C. I won't rent the flat for it is too expensive.

D. I won't rent the flat for it is too far.


4. What do we learn about Linda?

A. She caught the plane on time.

B. She arrived at the airport at 11:30.

C. Her plane took off at 11:30.

D. Her plane was delayed for 30 minutes.


5. What is Mrs. Muller worried about?

A. Mr. Muller's health.

B. Mr. Muller's work.

C. Mr. Muller's illness.

D. Her own health.


6. How much can Peter earn a month?

A. Around two hundred dollars.

B. Around four hundred dollars.

C. Around six hundred dollars.

D. Around eight hundred dollars.


7. How is the relationship between Susan and Jenny?

A. Intimate

B. Friendly.

C. Hostile.

D. Bad.


8. What does the speaker mean?

A. Napoleon lost the battle but not the war.

B. Napoleon would have won the war if he had lost that battle.

C. Napoleon lost the war, but he was not defeated in every battle.

D. The battle determined the outcome of the war.


9. How long does it take Mr. Black to go to work?

A. Seventy minutes.

B. One hour.

C. One hour and half.

D. Half an hour.



In this section, you will hear eight short conversations between two speakers.  At the end of each conversation you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following eight questions.  

10.What are they talking about?

A. A hide and seek game.

B. Moving the furniture.

C. A practical joke.

D. A detective story.


11.What does the woman mean?

A. She had no problem finding the park.

B. The parking places are very far away.

C. She found somewhere to park.

D. There is no parking area available.


12.What's the man's opinion?

A. Steve should buy a new jacket.

B. He bought a jacket like Steve's.

C. Steve looks good in anything.

D. Steve's jacket looks brand new.


13.What does the woman think the man should do?

A. find a new repair shop.

B. buy a new car.

C. throw the car away.

D. had the car repainted.


14.What caused the spot?

A. Tea.

B. Coffee.

C. Paint.

D. Ink.


15.How many people died of the accident?

A. None.

B. Two.

C. Three.

D. Six.


16.Where does this conversation probably take place?

A. at a hotel.

B. at a bank.

C. at a bookstore.

D. at a restaurant.


17.How does Louisa feel about her work?

A. satisfied.

B. frustrated.

C. annoyed.

D. confident.



Questions 18 and 19 are based on the following news item.  At the end of the news item you will be given 20 seconds to answer the following two questions.  

Now listen to the news.  

18.What's the agreement between the government and union leaders about?

A. reducing fuel prices.

B. raising fuel prices.

C. raising workers' wages

D. improving workers' living conditions.


19.Which can best describe the strikers' attitude to the fiscal policies of the government?

A. grateful

B. unhappy.

C. supportive.

D. hesitant.


Questions 20 and 21 are based on the following news item.  At the end of the news item you will be given 20 seconds to answer the following two questions.  

Now listen to the news.  

20.How much percentage of total decline in vehicle sales in April this year?

A. 4.2.

B. 4.5.

C. 3.9.

D. 4.  

21.What's the attitude of GM vice-president towards the prospects in summer?

A. Doubtful.

B. Pessimistic.

C. Indifferent.

D. Optimistic


Questions 22 and 23 are based on the following news item.  At the end of the news item you will be given 20 seconds to answer the following two questions.  

Now listen to the news.  

22.How many people lost their lives in the epidemic?

A. 200.

B. 101.

C. 400.

D. 53.


23.What did the pig breeders call for in their protest?

A. killing pigs.

B. compensation for pigs killed.

C. nationwide strike.

D. handling of the epidemic.


Questions 24 and 25 are based on the following news item.  At the end of the news item you will be given 20 seconds to answer the following two questions.  

Now listen to the news.  

24.Between whom did the battle break out?

A. Kosovans and English tourists.

B. A gunman and English campers.

C. Kosovan traffickers.

D. Kosovan refugees.


25.Where did the battle break out?

A. at a port.

B. in a van.

C. on a ferry.

D. in a refugees' camp.



1.A      2.D    3.B     4.C     5.A     6.D     7.D     8.C     9.C     10.C

11.C    12.A   13.B    14.B    15.A    16.D    17.B    18.A    19.B     20.A      

21.D    22.B   23.B    24.C    25.A





1. “我原以为只是Johnson先生来, 但他的妻子也来了。”  

问最后谁来了。 词组“turn up(出现,来到)”及句尾的“too”都说明了来的不止一个人,而是两人都来了,因此选A。


2. “他越早戒烟, 他就会感觉越好。”  

结构“The +形容词或副词的比较级+…, the + 形容词或副词的比较级+ …”表示“越…,就越…”, 如 “The sooner, the better (越快越好)”。  理解这个结构, 也就能找到正确答案D。


3. “尽管学校附近的公寓都很贵, 但考虑到可以省下汽油钱, 所以我决定无论如何租一套。”  

说话人到底是什么意思呢?从“but…anyway (无论如何, 不管怎样)”所表达的转折关系可以认定, 他最终决定租赁一套靠近学校的公寓, 从而排除了选项C和D;而他租下公寓的直接目的似乎是为了离学校近一些, 省下汽油钱为实现其目的提供了可能,因此B最符合原文。


4. “由于交通拥挤,Linda直到12点才到机场,晚了半小时没赶上班机。”  

Linda晚到了半个小时,因此可以推算飞机应在11:30起飞的。 因此选C。

“by…” 表示数量﹑程度等以…之差,

如:  taller by a head (高过一头), younger by two years (年幼两岁)。


5.  “Muller太太担心如果她的丈夫再不改掉抽烟的坏习惯, 就会病倒。”  

Muller太太担心的是什么呢? 选项C的干扰最强。然而如果仔细分析一下原文中的真实条件句, 就可以推测她的丈夫还没得病,只是她担心而已,因此她担心的不是她丈夫的病而是他的身体健康,即A。


6. “买这台400美元的激光唱机花去了Peter周薪的两倍。”  

问Peter每月能挣多少钱? 这道题关键要听清twice,  weekly salary (周薪),  '400几个词, 然后经过简单的计算,就可得出D: 大约800美元。


7.  “Susan觉得很难与她的室友Jenny保持良好的关系。”  

根据词组“stay (be) on good terms with sb (同某人关系好)”, 我们可以推测这两个人的关系一定不会很好,很亲密,但也不至于到了敌视的地步,因此D最合适。


stay (be) on bad terms with sb: 同某人关系不好


8. “Napoleon赢得了这场战役,但却输了整场战争。”  

“battle(战役)”与“war(战争)”是点与面的关系,因为一场战争可能包含很多次战役, 而某次战役的胜负并不能说明那场战争的赢与输。 因此Napoleon尽管最终没取得胜利,但并非在每一次战役里都打败仗,C最说明了原意。


9. “Black先生要在7:30离家, 以便赶在9点上班。”  




10. F:“快点儿! 她来了,  躲到橱里或藏到沙发后面。 当她进屋时,喊叫着跳出来。”


F与M在谈什么呢? 猛一听,很容易以为是在讲A: 捉迷藏, 然而仔细分析,在捉迷藏里是不需喊叫并自己跑出来吓人一跳的,所以更象是C: 恶作剧。


11. M:“你是否有过找地方泊车的困难?”

    F:“到目前为止还没有。 谢天谢地!”  

选项A和 B是利用同音异义进行干扰,原文中的“to park”意为“泊车”, 而非“公园”, 固定搭配“so far”意思是“迄今为止”,等于“thus far”。  答案为C。  

Thank goodness: 谢天谢地, 还可以说 “Thank heavens”  


12. F:“Steve穿着那件旧茄克看上去不错, 是吗?”


F征询M的意见,M没有直接回答他,而是用“I wish he'd get a new one (我希望他能买件新茄克)” 来婉转地表明他的不同看法,即A: Steve 应该买件新茄克。


13. M:“我的车又进修理部了。”



“trade it in for…” 意思是“以旧物折价贴换同类新物”。  答案为B。


14. F:“George, 你的茄克衫上有个污点, 你该换件衣服。”

    M:“污点? 噢, 我想起来了, 在学生活动中心我把咖啡洒了, 我就是在那儿搞上的。”  

是什么造成了George衣服上的污点呢? 从他的回忆看, 他曾经洒过咖啡, 因此最有可能的就是B了。  

“spot”和 “stain”在这都是污点的意思。


15. M:“他们怎么可能在汽车相撞中活下来了呢?”

    F:“的确是个奇迹。  卡车里有两个男的, 小汽车里坐着三个女的和一个小孩, 但却没人受重伤。”  



16. F:“你现在准备点菜了吗?”

    M:“不,我刚吃完。 我在等我的找零。”  


17. M:“Louisa, 你的学期论文进展如何?”

    F:“我已经重写了好多次, 都不知道是否能完成它?”  

Louisa对她的工作感觉如何呢? 从她的回答中可以看出她已经进行了多次修改,甚至于怀疑是否能完成的了,因此她的语气不可能是自信的﹑满意的,而是有些丧失信心,只有B:泄气 最接近。



18.有关内容细节的测试题。据新闻的首句中“…to lower fuel prices”可得出答案为A。

19.测试态度的推理题。从文中 “…is indicative of the anger over the tight fiscal policies…”


20.测试具体数字的细节题。可从首句中直接找到答案, 即A。

21.测试态度的推理题。根据新闻的尾句,可以看出副总裁对未来充满信心, 四个选择中D最接近。  

22.测试人数的细节题。可从文中直接得到具体数字, 即B:101。  

23.具体内容的细节测试题。根据新闻的尾句, 答案应为B。  


25.测试地点的细节题。除了D在文中没有提及外,另几个都有所涉及。只有经过仔细辨别, 才能得出正确答案A。




Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more.

Please write the whole passage on Answer Sheet Two.  

Now, listen to the passage.


Gardening is one of the oldest of the arts. / The Chinese with their deep sensitiveness to beauty / laid the foundations for a form of garden art / which was later to have great influences upon other lands./

The Greeks gave to the world a new concept of gardening. / Their homes were decorated with flowers, / but it was in their civic design that they most skillfully applied their garden art. / Their temples were surrounded by rows of trees, / and trees lined the important streets and market places in their principal cities./

The Romans acquired much of the knowledge and skill in garden craft from Greeks. / In the second century AD the Romans began to build gardens of great scale, / inspired by the vast palace gardens they had conquered. / They brought water from great distances to supply the ornamental fountains / which decorated their villa gardens. / These great villas were later to inspire the Italian garden architects to follow the Roman style.


The second and third readings.  You should begin writing now.    

The last reading.  Now, you have two minutes to check through your work.  

(a two-minute interval)  

This is the end of the Dictation.  




In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything once only.  Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow.  Mark the correct response for each question on your answer sheet.  


In this section you will hear nine statements.  At the end of the statement you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following nine questions.  

1. I had just expected Mr. Johnson to come, but his wife turned up too.  

2. The sooner he stops smoking, the better he will feel.  

3. Flats near the University are very expensive, but I decide to rent one anyway, thinking that I could save money on gas.  

4. Due to the heavy traffic, Linda didn't get to the airport until 12 o'clock, missing her flight by half an hour.  

5. Mrs. Muller is afraid her husband will fall ill if he doesn't get rid of his bad habit of smoking.  

6. It took twice as much as Peter's weekly salary to buy the four-hundred-dollar CD player.  

7. Susan found it difficult to stay on good terms with her roommate, Jenny.  

8. Napoleon won the battle but lost the war.  

9. Mr. Black has to leave his house at 7:30 in order to get to work by 9.



10. F: Hurry up!  She is coming.  Hide in the closet or behind the sofa.  When she enters the room, shout and jump out.

    M: I hope it won't scare her too much.


11. M: Have you had any trouble finding a place to park ?

    F: No, so far.  Thank goodness!


12. F: Steve looks good in that old jacket, doesn't he?

    M: I still wish he'd get a new one.


13. M: My car is in the repair shop again.

    F: Perhaps you need to consider trading it in for a new one?


14. F: George, there is a big spot on your jacket, you should change it.

    M: A spot?  Oh, I remember spilling that coffee at the Students' center, and that's where I got the stain.


15. M: How could anyone survive that collision?

    F: It was really a miracle.  There were two men in the truck and three women with a child in the car, but no one was badly hurt.


16. F: Are you ready to order now?

    M: No, I just finished.  I'm waiting for my change.


17. M: Louisa, how are you getting along with your term paper?

    F: I have written and rewritten so much that I don't know if I'll get it finished?



Questions 18 and 19 are based on the following news item.  At the end of the news item you will be given 20 seconds to answer the following two questions.  

Now listen to the news.  

A crippling, nationwide six-day transport strike over higher diesel fuel prices was called off after government and union leaders reached an agreement to lower fuel prices.  Popular support for the strike, which ended late on Tuesday, is indicative of the anger over the tight fiscal policies of President Arnoldo Aleman, whom many blame for unemployment which has reached 53 per cent.


Questions 20 and 21 are based on the following news item.  At the end of the news item you will be given 20 seconds to answer the following two questions.  

Now listen to the news.  

General Motors, the leading US automaker on Tuesday reported a 4.2 per cent decline in total vehicle sales to 433,723 in April compared with the same month in 1998.  Car sales fell 4.5 per cent and truck sales 3.9 per cent, the company said in a statement.  Despite the April performance, GM vice-president for North American sales Roy Robert said: “We're going into the summer season with excellent momentum.”


Questions 22 and 23 are based on the following news item.  At the end of the news item you will be given 20 seconds to answer the following two questions.  

Now listen to the news.  

Some 200 pig breeders protested in the Malaysian capital yesterday against the government's handling of a viral epidemic that killed 101 people and ruined the US'400 million pork industry.  The farmers, mostly from Negeri Sembilan state, the epicenter of the outbreak, wore black armbands and held up banners outside the headquarters of the Malaysian Chinese Association political party, calling for compensation of US'53 for every pig killed.


Questions 24 and 25 are based on the following news item.  At the end of the news item you will be given 20 seconds to answer the following two questions.  

Now listen to the news.  

A Kosovan man was killed and three others injured in Calais when a gunman opened fire after an argument between traffickers smuggling refugees into Britain. British tourists watched as the battle broke out at the ferry terminal at the Channel port, and a stray bullet lodged in one Briton's camper van. Witnesses said that the gunman, who is thought to be a Kosovan, pulled out a pistol and fired on a group of about ten other Kosovans in the lorry part at the port.
