
【字源大挪移】字根_身体_corp, corpor

2013-04-26 04:00
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Hints: 本期学习的字源:corp, corpor=body身 U.S. Marine Corps Dr. Samuel Johnson Taiwan Kentucky Virginia 单词不需要大写,单词与例句或不同词条之间换行即可。 注解中详细介绍了单词的拆分与释义,是学习字源分析的重中之重!一定记得听写后来看注解!
corpse corps The U.S. Marine Corps maintains its rigorous training program while other units of the three forces have largely relaxed theirs. corpulence Dr. Samuel Johnson shed his corpulence and emerged a lean man upon completion of his famous dictionary. corporal Corporal punishment, once a common practice in all levels of schools in Taiwan, is now against the law. incorporate In 1781, Kentucky incorporated territory ceded by Virginia. incorporeal A sense of achievement is the incorporeal reward of work. corset Corsets were worn by women to improve the figure, however they have gone the way of the horse and buggy.
The U.S. Marine Corps maintains its rigorous training program while other units of the three forces have largely relaxed theirs. 尽管三军其他单位的训练大致已经宽松,美国海军陆战队仍维持严格的训练。 Dr. Samuel Johnson shed his corpulence and emerged a lean man upon completion of his famous dictionary. 强生博士编完那部著名的字典后,已摆脱肥胖的身躯,变成了瘦子。 Corporal punishment, once a common practice in all levels of schools in Taiwan, is now against the law. 体罚在台湾各级学校原本司空见惯,现已是违法的行为。 In 1781, Kentucky incorporated territory ceded by Virginia. 1781年,肯塔基州将维吉尼亚州割据的领土纳入。 A sense of achievement is the incorporeal reward of work. 成就感是工作上无形的报酬。 Corsets were worn by women to improve the figure, however they have gone the way of the horse and buggy. 女人曾经身穿束腹以改善身材,不过现在束腹已经不流行了。
相关热点: 美文听写