
心脏如何工作 (2)

2008-08-06 00:00
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A healthy adult heart is about the size of two fists and looks like a piece of red meat. But in overweight people, it can look yellow because of fat. Rates of heart disease started growing sharply in the second half of the twentieth century. As machines did more and more work, people did less and le…
成人健康的心脏大概有两个拳头那么大,看上去就像一块红色的肉。但是那些体重过重的人由于肥胖的原因,他们的心脏看起来是黄色的。自20世纪下半叶,心脏病的比率急剧上升。因为机器做了越来越多的工作,而人们做的越来越少。不但身体活动少了,而且人们开始食用越来越多的加工食品。 专家称少吃脂肪类食物,多吃水果,蔬…
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