

2011-04-25 06:00
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ionn.1. 试用期2. 缓刑

yn. 奇才,天才2. 奇观

eern. 暴发户,发横财的人,投机商v. 投机倒把

Profiteering in a time of shortage is wrong.(乘物资缺乏牟取暴利是不对的。)

ica. 多产的

a prolific author(多产的作家)

uen. 1. 开场白,序言2. 开端,序幕

atev. 1. 传播,宣传2. (使)繁殖

The political party started the newspaper to propagate its ideas.(那个政党创办一份报纸来宣传该党的观点。)

v. 推进

A volcano erupted and propelled rocks high into the sky.(火山爆发, 把无数的石块抛向天空。)

syv. 预示

She prophesied the tragic outcome.(她预言有悲惨的结果。)

enta. 有先见之明的,节俭的

He is provident of his money.(他用钱很节省。)

sn. 英勇,杰出的才能


ev. 走私,偷运

Heroin has been smuggled out by sea.(海洛因已从海上偷运出境。)

n. 蜗牛

at asnail’s pace 极慢的

otn. 快照

ryn. 团结,一致


ea. 1. 可溶的2. 可解答的

These tablets are soluble in water.(这些药片可在水中溶解。)

a. 1. 暗淡的,阴沉的2. 忧郁的,严峻的

A funeral is asombre occasion.(葬礼是个忧郁的场合。)

a. 疼痛的n. 溃疡

Losing the election was a sore disappointment.(竞选失败令人痛心失望。)

n. 1. 铲,铁锹2. 纸牌中的黑桃

call a spade a spade 直言不讳

a. 零散的,稀疏的

As we drove towards the desert, the vegetation became sparse.(我们驱车前往沙漠,沿途的草木渐渐变得稀疏。)

