

2011-04-15 17:00
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n. 1. 碎片  2. 最少量,些微  v. 撕碎

lv. (使某物)萎缩,枯萎(因热、冷或干所致)

Get thebulbs into the ground, or they will begin to shrivel.(把鳞茎种到地里,否则会开始干枯的。)

v. 避免

He was a shy man whoshunned all publicity.(他是个怕羞的人, 总是避开一切引人注目的活动。)

v. 1. 使(火车)转轨  2.转移,调动

Freight Train 36 has beenshunted on to Track 6.(36次货车已调到第六轨道上。)

5. siblingn. 兄弟姐妹

yn. (船上、寄宿学校等的)病室

nen. 1.(网球场、足球场等的)边线,界限  2. 兼职

epv. 1.闪躲(攻击等)而避到一旁  2. 回避

sidestepped to make way for the runner(侧跨一步给赛跑者让道)

v. (悄悄地)横这周,(偷偷地)侧身挨近

Shesidled out of the crowded room.(她悄悄地侧身走出那挤满人的房间。)

ngn. 看见


chv. & n. 谴责,责备

It wasn't your fault, you have nothing to reproach yourself with.(那不是你的错,你没有什么可自责的。)

en. 爬行动物

v. 1. 抵抗,抵制  2.   3. 克制

The city resisted the enemy onslaught for two weeks.(这个城市反抗敌人的猛攻达两个星期之久。)

orn. 电阻器

ncen. 反响,共鸣

v. 1. 凭借,诉诸  2. 常去  n. 1. 手段  2. 度假胜地

One has sometimes to resort to these little devices.(人们有时还得依靠这些小玩意儿。)

tablea. 1. 可敬的,体面的  2. 相当好的

Compared to today's vandals, the original ones seem very respectable. (正牌的汪达尔人跟今天的汪达尔人相比,就显得非常可敬了。)

8. respectfula. 恭敬的,有礼貌的

tivea. 各自的,个别的

The first and second prizes went to Mary and George respectively. (头奖归玛丽所得,二奖归乔治所得。)

ationn. 1. 呼吸  2. (植物的)呼吸

