

2011-03-22 08:30
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v. 1.费力拧2. 费力取得

The bully tried to wrest the ball from the smaller boy's hands.(那个恃强凌弱的家伙企图从比他小的男孩手中夺走皮球。)

ev. & n. 扭动,蠕动

wriggle out of (逃避应做的某事)

v. 1. 拧干,绞2. 掐(脖子)3. 榨取,勒索,逼供

I'll wring your neck if you don't behave!(你要是不规矩, 我就拧断你的脖子。)

v. (人体)扭动,翻滚(尤指因剧痛)

It is said that he writhed under insults for a period of time.(据说有一段时间他因受辱而极为痛苦。)

a. 1.(人五官)扭曲的2. 揶揄的

He acknowledged his mistake with a wry grimace.(他做了个怪怪的表情,算是认了错。)


n. & v. 停顿,暂停,中止

He came to a pause in reading and then went on reading.(他在阅读中停顿了一下, 又继续念下去。)

v. 筑路,铺路

pave the way for 为…铺平道路

onn. 1. 选手席,看台2. (展览会的)馆3. (公园的)亭子,楼阁

n. 1. (国际象棋中的)兵,卒2. 爪牙,走卒3.典当2. 抵押品v. 1. 典当,抵押2. 作担保

He pawned his gold watch to pay the rent.(他抵当了金表用以交租。)

n. 1. 结清2. 报偿3.(时间)结局,了结

gica. 教育学的

ica. 学究式的,卖弄学问的

Along with that, it must be added, went a strong pedantic and antiquarian strain.(必须指出一股强烈的学究尚古风气也随之产生了。)

umn. 1.钟摆2. 摇摆不定的事态

atev. 1. 刺入,进入2. 看穿,识破3. 渗透

She could penetrate what I was thinking.(她了解我在想什么。)

ulan. 半岛

