

2011-03-18 09:00
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rv. 1. 故意弄沉(自己的船)2. 使(某事物)失败,摧毁

The project was scuppered by lack of money.(由于缺乏资金, 这项计划落空了。)

ev. 使隔离,使隐退(尤指自己)

seclude oneself from society(与世隔绝对,退隐)

ionn. 退出,脱离

eda. 隐退的,僻静的,隔绝的

Some people like to strip themselves naked while they have a swim in a secluded place.(一些人当他们在隐蔽的地方游泳时,喜欢把衣服脱光。)

iana. 教派的

n. 轿子

a. 1. 褴褛的,破旧的2. 精神不佳的

a seedy appearance(褴褛的外表)

v. (液体)渗出,渗漏

The rain seeped through the roof.(雨水透过房顶渗透。)

v. 1.(液体)煮沸,沸腾2. 激动,大怒3. 拥挤

He marched off, seething with frustration.(他大为失望,气呼呼地走开了。)

atev. 1. ……隔离、分开2. 歧视

They segregated the boys from the girls.(他们把男孩和女孩分开。)


n. 嫁妆

v. & n. 打瞌睡,小睡

doze off 打盹儿,走神

a. 1. 黄褐色的,浅褐色的2. 枯燥无味的

Life is now drab compared with the more exciting life style overseas.(比起海外那种更富有刺激的生活方式来,现在的生活显得了无生气。)

gen. 排水体统

ca. 激烈的

In a situation like this, drastic measures are needed.(在这种形势下需要采取严厉措施。)

v. & n. 慢吞吞地说,拉长调子讲话

The old woman was drawling on and on.(这个老太太慢吞吞地说个没完。)

v. & n. 畏惧,担忧,厌恶

We all dread to think what will happen if the company closes.(我们都不敢去想一旦公司关门我们该怎么办。)

v. 1.疏浚,挖掘2.重提;回忆

She always dredges up that embarrassing story.(她老是翻出那件令人尴尬的事。)

n. 残渣,糟粕

v. 使湿透,浸湿

The people there have been drenched.(那边的人都被雨淋透了。)

