

2011-03-19 12:30
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uatev. 使永久存在,使不朽

Giving these events a lot of media coverage merelyperpetuates the problem.(媒体大量地报道这些事件只会使问题持续下去。)

agen. 1. 个人2. 要员,名人

nv. 1. 有关联2. 依附于(或从属于)3. 适合,相配

The inspector was interested in everything pertaining to the school.(视察员对有关学校的一切都感兴趣。)

enta. 1. 恰当的,中肯的2. ...有关,关于

The expert made some pertinent comments on the scheme.(那专家对规划提出了一些中肯的意见。)

bv. 使不安,扰乱

I am deeplyperturbed by the alarming way the situation developing.(我对形势令人忧虑的发展深感不安。)

ev. 弥漫,编辑,充满,渗透

A retrospective influence pervaded the whole performance.(怀旧的影响弥漫了整个演出。)

tv. 1. 使反常,颠倒2. 滥用,误用3. 使入邪路、堕落

n. 堕落者,性变态者

He was perverted by his evil companions.(他被他的坏朋友引入邪路。)

v. 麻烦,纠缠

The little girl pestered the travelers for money.(那个小女孩缠着游客要钱。)

cyn. 1. 药学2. 药房3. 制药,配药

thropica. 博爱的,慈善的

She’s known for her philanthropic work in the community.(她替社会做慈善工作出了名。)


n. 誓言,誓约v. 起誓

I vowed to do more of the cooking myself.(我发誓自己要多动手做饭。)

a. 1. 粗鲁的,卑下的2. 庸俗的

His vulgar manners shocked everyone.(他粗俗的举止使大家大为吃惊。)

v. 1. 费力拧2. 费力取得3. (从)攫取

The rebels tried to wrest control of the town from government forces.(反叛者企图从政府军手中夺取这个城镇的控制权。)

ed1. 可怜的,悲惨的2. 恶劣的,令人讨厌的

He was wretched when he failed the examination.(由于考试不及格, 他很痛苦。)

ev. & n. 扭动,蠕动

He wriggled uncomfortably on the chair.(他坐在椅子上不舒服地扭动着身体。)

v. 1. (人体)扭动,翻滚(尤指因剧痛)

writhe at (under,with)sth. 因某事遭受精神痛苦

a. 1.(人五官)扭曲的2. 揶揄的

A wry smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.(他的嘴角带一丝苦笑。)

v. 报仇

avenge oneself on 对…进行报仇

n. 1. 轴心2. 轴线

n. 1. 公理,格言,原则


