

2011-03-03 08:30
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n. 流行,时尚

come into vogue 开始流行

in vogue 流行中

go out of vogue过时

ityn. 1. 粗话2. 粗俗,下流

en. 秃鹰

iousa. 吉利的,吉祥的

The remainder of my schooldays were no more auspicious than the first.(后来在学校的日子跟第一天一样不顺心。)

ea. 1. 严厉的2. 困苦的3. 朴素的

Grandfather was an austere man, very strict with his children.(祖父是个严厉的人, 对子女要求非常严格。)

atn. 1. 独裁者2. 霸道专横的人

onn. 1. 厌恶2. 讨厌的事物

n. 1. 防止,避免2. 移开(目光),避开不看

a. 渴望的,热切的

She was avid for praise from her coach.(那女孩渴望得到教练的称赞。)

ea. 令人敬畏的,可怕的

An awesome amount of information is stored in each video disk. (每个电视唱片可存贮数量惊人的信息。)



v. 烧焦,灼n. 焦痕

The hot iron scorched the tablecloth.(热熨斗把桌布烫焦了。)

inga. 1. 灼热的2. (批评等)尖刻的

Jack showed his dislike plainly in scorching satire.(杰克以尖刻的讽刺直率地表明了自己的厌恶。)

gn. 1. 得分2. 总谱

onn. 蝎子

reln. 恶棍,流氓

nyn. 细察,详审

He drew the conclusion after scrutinies.(经过详尽的调查他才得出这个结论。)

ev. & n. 扭打,混战

The police were scuffling with the students.(警察和学生扭打起来。)

n. 头皮屑

n. 缝,接缝

ingn. 调味品,作料

