

2011-04-04 17:00
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tablea. 不可避免的

Those war plans rested on a belief in the ineluctable superiority of the offense over the defense.(那些战争计划有一个信念为基础,即进攻必然比防守有利。)

a. 1. 不擅长的,无能的2. 不合适的

He was an inept politician.(他是个无能的政客。)


ateda. 迷恋的,沉溺的

He is infatuated with her, and doesn’t see her faults.(他对她着了迷, 看不出她的缺点。)

n. (害虫等)大批出没,遍布,侵扰

tingn. 勾心斗角,暗斗

ratev. 渗透,(使)渗入

The organization was infiltrated by the police.(这个组织已被警察渗入。)

ev. 使愤怒

Her question seemed to inflame him all the more.(她的问题似乎更加激怒了他。)

eda. 1.发炎的,红肿的2. 愤怒的

tv. 1.予以(打击),使遭受,强加于2. 施(罚)

We do not know what led to the disaster nor whoinflicted it.(我不知道灾祸从何时起,也不知道肇事者是谁。)


sv. 离题

Let me digress for a moment and explain what had happened previously.(让我岔开一会儿,解释原先发生了什么。)

dateda. 倒塌的,破旧的

The building wore a dilapidated look.(这建筑看起来要倒塌了。)

an. (进退两难的)窘境,困境


dv. 解散,遣散

The emperor was deposed and his army disbanded.(皇帝被废黜,他的军队也被解散了。)

eta. (言行)谨慎的,不显眼的

It wasn't discreet of you to ring me up at the office.(你打电话到我办公室真是太鲁莽了。)

nv. & n. 鄙视,不屑

A great man should disdain flatterers.(伟大的人物应鄙视献媚者。)

egratev. 粉碎,瓦解

The box was so old;it just disintegrated when I picked it up.(那箱子太破旧了, 我刚一提就散了。)

tlev. 拆开,拆卸

This toy machine gun dismantles easily.(这种玩具机关枪很容易拆卸。)

v. (使)惊恐,使绝望

I was dismayed to learn that she had failed again.(得知她又一次失败, 我感到惊愕。)

