The hostess apologized to her unexpected guest for serving an apple-pie without any cheese.由于客人在吃苹果馅饼时,家里没有奶酪了,于是女主人向大家表示歉意。 The little boy of the fam...
Mother: I left two pieces of cake in the cupboard this morning, Johnny, and now there is only one piece left. Can you explain that?妈妈:约翰尼,我今天早上在橱子里放了两块点心。现在就剩下...
Once there was a blind.从前有个瞎子。 One day when he was walking, hestepped the head of the dog who was sleeping.一天,他正在行路时踩着了一只正在睡觉的狗的脑袋 The dog barked for...
A shoplifter was caught red-handed trying to steal a watch from a jewelry store.一个小偷在一家珠宝店企图偷走一只手表的时候被当场擒获。 "Listen," said the shoplifter, "I...
George comes from school on the first of September.9月1日, 乔治放学回到家里。 "George, how did you like your new teacher?" asked his mother.“乔治,你喜欢你们的新老师...
One day after school the teacher said to his students,“Tomorrow morning,if any one of you can answer my first question.I'll permit him or her to go home earlier.”一天,...
While eating in a restaurant, I reprimanded my four-year-old son for speaking with his mouth full .在饭店吃饭的时候,我申斥我4岁的儿子,因为他满嘴食物在说话。 "Mump umn Kmpfhm,&q...
Little Pete came home from the playground with a bloody1 nose, black eye, and torn clothing.小彼得从操场回到家时,鼻子流血、黑眼圈及被撕破了衣服。 It was obvious he'd been in a ba...
Teacher: Johnny, why are you late for school every morning?老师:约翰尼,为什么你每天早晨都迟到? Johnny: Every time I come to the corner, a guidepost says, 'School -- Go Slow'...
Teacher: What is the plural of man, Tom?老师:汤姆,‘男人’这个词的复数形式是什么? Tom: Men.汤姆:男人们。 Teacher: Good. And the plural of child?老师:答得好。那&lsquo...