

2013-11-28 13:26
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How dare you?! How dare you disobey me in this way! Robert, I'm sure... Are you so knowledgeable about the great world... Papa, I'm sorry I disobeyed you, but I'm interested. I'm political. I have opinions. Of course, I blame Branson. I don't think that's fair. We had none of this - none of it - until he set foot in our house! I suppose I should give thanks he hasn't burnt the place down over our heads! Branson didn't know anything about it until we arrived there. He leaves tonight. If you punish Branson, I'll never speak to you again! Never! I don't believe this is Branson's fault. Truly, Papa. Blame me. I do blame you! Robert, can we do this in the morning? Sybil needs rest. But if I find tomorrow that Branson is missing, I'll run away. I warn you. Oh? And where would you go? Well, I can't think now, but I will go, and you'll be sorry.
你好大的胆子!你怎么能如此大逆不道! 罗伯特我敢肯定 你以为你多了解这个世界吗? 爸爸我不是故意不听话,但是我有兴趣我喜欢政治我有自己的想法。 是的,我该怪布兰森。 我不认为是他的错。 在他来这里之前我们从没发生这样的事。 我真该谢谢他没把这里夷为平地! 布兰森什么也不知道直到我们到了那里。 他今晚必须走 如果你要惩罚布兰森,我再也不会和你说话了! 我想这并不是布兰森的错爸爸。 怪我! 我当然怪你。 罗伯特我们能不能明天再说,西博现在需要休息。 如果我明早起来发现布兰森不见了,我会离家出走的我警告你。 你能去哪里? 我还没想好但我一定会走,你会后悔的。
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