
英国TV"奥斯卡"发布提名 "唐顿"倒灶卷福入围

沪江英语 2012-04-30 09:30
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This year’s BAFTA TV Awards is upon us, and while the nominations list actually reads like a recommendation of all that is currently great in British TV, for once (with the notable exception of Doctor Who), there is two shows whose actors are enjoying a slightly greater share than any other; namely Appopriate Adult (the Dominic West-starring mini-series about the British serial killers Fred and Rose West) and Sherlock.

Benedict Cumberbatch is nominated for the Leading Actor award, for his indelicate handling of the title role, and over in the Supporting Actor category, we see his fictional best friend John Watson doing battle with his nemesis Moriarty, as Martin Freeman and Andrew Scott have both been put forward.

Things are looking even rosier in the Appropriate Adult camp, where Dominic West and Emily Watson are both nominated in Leading Actor categories, with further nominations for Monica Dolan (Supporting Actress) and the whole show (Mini Series).

Other notable nominations include Dame Maggie Smith for her role in Downton Abbey (Supporting Actress), Olivia Colman and Hugh Bonneville both being nominated in their respective comedy performance categories for their sterling work in Twenty Twelve, and the BBC’s coverage of the Royal Wedding is up for the News Coverage trophy.

The awards ceremony will be held at the Royal Festival Hall in London on May 27.

沪江娱乐快讯:英国电影电视学院奖(以下简称BAFTA)公布了2012年电视部分的提名名单,连环杀手题材剧集《保持对话》收获了4项提名成为现阶段最大领跑者,而且均是包括最佳迷你剧集在内的重要奖项。多米尼克·威斯特(Dominic West)扮演连环杀手Fred West收获了视帝提名,而艾米丽·沃森(Emily Watson)则因为扮演剧集的标题人物“appropriate adult”收获了视后提名。这个剧集是对真实案件夸张表述的一种批判,其提名中还包括最佳女配角莫妮卡·杜兰(Monica Dolan)。

在收获提名的第二团队中有火遍全球的BBC力作《神探夏洛克》,卷福领衔的该剧有三项提名在手全部是表演类奖项,包括他本人的最佳男主角和马丁·弗瑞曼(Martin Freeman)及安德鲁·斯科特(Andrew Scott)的最佳男配角。同样收获3项提名的还有Channel 4的《英伦88》。

尽管《唐顿庄园》火遍北美大陆,但是在老家英伦小岛却哑火半边,只有老戏骨玛吉·史密斯(Maggie Smith)的最佳女配角一项提名荣幸入围,这是这位奥斯卡影后的第4次提名也极有可能在呼声甚高的情况下第一次拿奖。与之正相反的是在好莱坞拿奖无数的《摩登家庭》海外境遇同样风光受宠,和丹麦口碑之作《谋杀2》《担保》一起入围了最佳国际剧集。



本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberbatch) 《神探夏洛克》 BBC One
多米尼克·威斯特(Dominic West) 《保持对话》 ITV1
约翰·西姆(John Simm) 《流亡》 BBC One
约瑟夫·吉尔甘(Joseph Gilgun) 《英伦88》 Channel 4

艾米丽·沃森(Emily Watson) 《保持对话》 ITV1
纳迪安·马歇尔(Nadine Marshall) 《Random》 Channel 4
萝玛拉·嘉瑞(Romola Garai) 《深红与白色的花瓣》 BBC Two
薇琪·麦克卢尔(Vicky McClure) 《英伦88》 Channel 4

安德鲁·斯科特(Andrew Scott) 《神探夏洛克》 BBC One
约瑟夫·马勒(Joseph Mawle) 《鸟鸣》 BBC One
马丁·弗瑞曼(Martin Freeman) 《神探夏洛克》 BBC One
斯蒂芬·瑞(Stephen Rea) 《暗影线》 BBC Two

安娜·钱斯勒(Anna Chancellor) 《演播时刻》 BBC Two
玛吉·史密斯(Maggie Smith) 《唐顿庄园》 ITV1
米兰达·哈特(Miranda Hart) 《呼叫助产士》 BBC One
莫妮卡·杜兰(Monica Dolan) 《保持对话》 ITV1

《Top Boy》
