

沪江英语 2012-04-12 10:00
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Rebecca Eaton, executive producer of Downton Abbey, has revealed some tidbits about the show’s upcoming third season.

"Somebody will be born, and somebody will die, somebody pretty key in the cast, unfortunately not going to make it. It’s the 1920s now," Eaton said.

Eaton also revealed that a wedding is in store.

"Matthew and Mary do get married," she revealed.

There is also the arrival of Shirley MacLaine, who will play the mother of Elizabeth McGovern’s Cora. But it's MacLaine’s scenes with series lead Maggie Smith that Eaton is focused on.

"There are some wonderful scenes between Maggie and Shirley MacLaine," said Eaton. "And Maggie barely restraining her sneer in having to deal with this American. Maggie Smith is a handful, it's true. She's very difficult. She knows her worth and she's tricky on the set, but she delivers when the time comes."

Eaton, a longtime producer of the PBS series Masterpiece Theater (which airs Downton in the U.S.), said that she initially passed on Downton because she thought it was another take in the series Upstairs, Downstairs.

“Thankfully, no one else in this country snapped it up,” Eaton said. “Then I heard that Maggie Smith had been cast to be in it and I thought, ‘We have to do it.’ Because she, like Judi Dench, like Eileen Atkins — there are a few British actors, if they’re in, I want it because I just think they’re going to be good.”

The show’s many American fans will have to wait until Jan. 2013 to catch the third season of the British series.

英国媒体今天爆料,《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)播出第三季时,将有一名主要角色死亡,同时将有新成员“诞生”。

该剧的执行制片人Rebecca Eatonlet今天接受采访时透露说:“该剧第三季时一位重要角色将死去,这位‘离开’的角色在演员阵容中非常关键。”她同时爆料说,剧中的一对儿情侣将开始组建家庭,“有人将死去,有人将降生”。

当然这已经不是朱利安·费罗斯(Julian Fellowes)第一次“写死”角色了,“大姐夫”(Matthew Crawley)的未婚妻Lavinia Swire (Zoe Boyle 饰演)和男仆威廉都在第二季不幸死去。但是,写死“主要角色”倒还是第一次。

《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)第三季将于今年9月ITV回归,敬请期待。
