
梅林传奇:S01E01<6> 便当腐龙预言帝情人节特辑:

2012-02-14 10:00
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MINA さしぶり ~\(≧▽≦)/~
^^小梅系列 终于在情人节温暖回归咯~
经过前五期的试验总结 这次Ve将携手MERLIN系列重新出发

更精简是一定的 更有爱是必须的

小剧场要收敛 至于吐槽嘛 ... 坚决不放弃 >V<
题目非常简单 ≧▽≦y 砸场踢馆热烈欢迎~


TXGD也可以啦 ~(*/ω\*)~ 捂脸逃跑...

❤ Tips 填写缺失部分,不用写序号和标点,一空一行,注意大小写哦~

Dragon: Merlin… Merlin…
[Merlin ~~~ x N * =V= *]
Merlin: Where are you?
Dragon: I'm here… _______1_______.
Merlin: Why? What do you mean? What destiny?
Dragon: Your gift, Merlin, was given to you for a reason.
Merlin: So there is a reason.
Dragon: Arthur _______2_______ Albion.
Merlin: Right…
Dragon: But _______3_______.
Merlin: I don't see what this has to do with me.
Dragon: Everything! Without you, Arthur will never succeed. Without you, there will be no Albion.
Merlin: No… No, you've got this wrong.
Dragon: _______4_______.
Merlin: But I'm serious! _______5_______. In fact, I'll give them a hand.
Dragon: _______6_______.
Merlin: No, No way. No… No... _______7_______.
Dragon: Perhaps it's your destiny to change that.
Merlin: Wait! Wait! Wait! stop! No! I need to know more!

How small you are for such a great destiny is the once and future king who will unite the land of he faces many threats from friend and foe alike There is no right or wrong only what is and what isn't If anyone wants to go and kill him they can go ahead None of us can choose our destiny Merlin and none of us can escape it There must be another Arthur 'cause this one is an idiot
腐龙:小梅… 小梅… [小梅~~~ x N * =V= *] 小梅:你在哪儿? 腐龙:老朽在此…【乃就叽道咋呼小梅~】此刻还如此小颗滴口水梅呀~ 奈何却背负着如此傲娇又威武滴戴斯特妮哦咂咂咂~【=^=泥垢了…】 小梅:纳尼?纳尼纳尼?( ⊙ o ⊙ )?什嘛戴斯特妮? 腐龙:乃滴小天赋呀梅纸,乃滴四百秀~ =V= 难道尼不想叽道这其中奥义嘛? 小梅:【这眼神美到冒泡啊嗷嗷Ve直视都不敢超过三秒的啊挠墙~】嗯嗯!银家想叽道!【乱入语气词快滚开…】 腐龙:稀饭乃滴那个二瑟,将会成为一统Albion的永恒之王【一脸*^*严肃ING】 小梅:【囧囧脸】嗯哼…? 腐龙:但是乃未来滴正牌夫君身边可谓是危机四伏,敌我之中皆是如此。 小梅:【嫌弃…】介跟银家有毛线关系 =^= 哼唧~ 腐龙:>V<全部所有!木有小梅尼做他背后滴男银,那个呆货龙年马月能成功啊~ 木有尼,二瑟成为永恒之王根本就是浮云啊浮云呐~ 小梅:【惊吓推辞…】不可能… 不可能不可能… TVT龙爷乃不要开酱紫的玩笑… 腐龙:=V=爷说是就是!爷说不是也要是! 小梅:T^T银家是认真的!如果谁想害那个二货客官您请尽管摧残直接进门右拐招呼都不用和偶打一下随便动手别不好意思~ 腐龙:【奸诈笑ING…】认命吧小梅… 二瑟就是乃滴劫数~ 这剪不断理还乱戴斯特妮呀咂咂咂~ 小梅:不可能不可能… 偶命中滴二瑟肯定还木有粗线… 绝对不会是这只脑残… 腐龙:或许乃就素二货背后那个唯一能改变他的人也说不定哦~ 小梅:等等!慢着!别介!别介啊!再多告诉偶一点啊! - TBC – ——翻译by: Vechosy 【彩蛋小剧场有各种不满或者建议欢迎MINA提出 ≧▽≦y 祝大家听写愉快~】 <皮埃斯因为有孩纸表示对翻译接受不能,所以 … Ve要收敛… 嗯… 要收敛…>
相关热点: 英剧 演讲视频