
TED演讲:David Pogue :简单创造销售(3/4)

2011-11-30 14:00
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【TED】是一个会议的名称,它是英文technology, entertainment, design三个单词的首字母缩写。TED是社会各界精英交流的盛会,它鼓励各种创新思想的展示、碰撞。

David Pogue
David Pogue is the personal technology columnist for the New York Times and an Emmy Award-winning tech correspondent for CBS News. He's also one of the world's bestselling how-to authors.



Microsoft Word
Microsoft Write
Sport Utility Principle
I mean, Microsoft Word was last just a word processor in, you know, the Eisenhower administration. But what's the alternative? Microsoft actually did this experiment. They said, "Well, wait a minute. Everyone complains that we're adding so many features. Let's create a word processor that's just a word processor. Simple, pure, does not do web pages, is not a database." And it came out. It was called Microsoft Write. And none of you are nodding in acknowledgment because it died. It tanked. No one ever bought it. I call this the Sport Utility Principle. People like to surround themselves with unnecessary power, right? They don't need the database and the website, but they're like, "Well, I'll upgrade, because, I might, you know, I might need that someday." So the problem is: as you add more features, where are they going to go? Where are you going to stick them? You only have so many design tools. You can do buttons; you can do sliders, pop-up menus, sub-menus. But if you're not careful about how you choose, you wind up with this.
我是说 Microsoft Word仅仅是一个文字处理器的时代 还要追溯到艾森豪威尔 (笑声) 但替代方案在哪? 微软实际做过这个实验. 他们说 "等等. 每个人都抱怨说我们加入了太多特性 让我们做一个单纯的文字处理器 简单, 纯粹, 不编辑网页, 不是数据库." 于是就有了 Microsoft Write 你们中没人知道它 因为它已死 它被打入冷宫 没人买过它 我称之为 运动器械原则. 人们喜欢将自己包围在 非必须的能力中 他们不需要数据库和网站 但是他们会想 "好, 我要升级, 因为我或许有一天会需要它!" 问题是 当你加入更多特性 它们会在哪儿? 你会把它们放在哪里? 你有那么多设计工具 你可以做出按钮 滑块 弹出菜单 子菜单 但如果你不仔细选择的话 就会变成这样