
英文天天写:Barge In

沪江英语 2016-05-23 06:00
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Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
Barge in
To barge in means to intrude. What or who is barging in? What is the reason? What will be the outcome? Where does the action take place?
This week's topic: They barged into the room... (90-110 words)

1) the police barged into a warehouse
2) robbers barged into a bank
3) barge into a conversation
4) barge into a party uninvited
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.


Shawn made a beeline towards his office door and locked it. He highly doubted anyone else had arrived yet, other than himself and the one co-worker he encountered, when it was still so early in the morning, but then again, one would never know. Shawn would not want anyone barging in when he was in the middle of something. One rule was that one could never be careful enough. Besides, when Shawn was about to do might take quite some time. By then, some of the co-workers might start arriving.

