

CC课堂 2014-11-24 17:59
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时间:11月11日(星期二) 20:00 - 20:55




1) exclude(v. 拒绝接纳、排除) ex=out
Try excluding sugar and fat from your diet.
Buses run every hour,Sundays excluded.
Women are still excluded from some London clubs.
She felt excluded by the other girl.
2) preclude(v. 防止、阻止、妨碍、阻碍) pre=before
Lack of time precludes any further discussion.
His religious beliefs precluded his serving in the army.
Their move does not preclude others from investing.
3) preclusion (n.)
4) preclusive (adj.)
5) recluse(n. 喜欢独处的人、隐居者) re=back clus=shut
to lead the life of a recluse
6) reclusive (adj. 隐居的、独处的)
a reclusive millionaire/lifestyle
7) disclose(v. 公开、揭露) dis=not
refuse to disclose one’s name and address
The spokesman refused to disclose details of the takeover to the press.
It was disclosed that two women were being interviewed by the police.
The door swung open,disclosing a long dark passage.
8) disclosure (n.)
9) enclose(v. 围绕、用...围起来、装入) en=in
a check for 50 dollars is enclosed,
The yard had been enclosed with iron railings.
The land was enclosed in the seventeenth century.(IN Britain,when public land was made private property.)
Low hedges enclosed the flower beds.
She felt his arms enclose her.
Please return the completed form,enclosing a recent photograph.
10) enclosure (n.)

2. Ject/jac/jet=to throw
1) object(n./v. 目标、物体、目的/反对) ob=to,toward ject= to throw
the urge to possess the objects of our desire
The object is to educate people about road safety.
Many local people object to the building of the new airport.
He objected that the police had arrested him without sufficient evidence.
2) abject (adj. 悲惨的、糟糕的、自卑的) ab=from ject=throw
The prisoner of war was kept in abject circumstances.
abject poverty/misery/failure
an abject apology
3) adjacent (a. 相邻的) ad=to,near jac=throw
The chicken restaurant is adjacent to the dry cleaners.
Our farm land was adjacent to the river.
The planes landed on adjacent runways.
4) eject (vt. 弹射出、排出、驱逐) e/ex=out ject=throw
After committing 5 fouls,a basketball player is ejected from the game.
Police ejected a number of violent protesters from the hall.
The chimney managed to eject moments before the plane crashed.
5) deject (v. 使沮丧的) de=down
Such news dejects me.
to deject someone’s spirits
6) dejected (a.)
She looked so dejected when she lost the game.
7) inject (v. 注射、注入) in=into
inject penicillin into the blood-stream
inject new life into the committee
8) injection (n.注射、投入)
to give sb. an injection
daily injections of insulin
The theatre faces closure unless it gets an urgent cash injection.
a fuel injection system






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