

2014-04-03 21:00
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"But they will make you sick and cannot cure you. Similarly, I can give you fluids through a needle in your arm, which will keep you fed as your appetite slips away; the fluids might add a week or two to your life. Or I can withdraw all other treatment and just give you a vitamin pill, and we can see what happens. Personally, my recommendation would be the last choice. I'll keep you comfortable, and we'll see what happens." The patient elected to follow my advice and died peacefully, pain free, a fortnight later. Sometimes such a transparent decision is more difficult to come by. Recently I had a patient who suffered a severe stroke. He was completely unable to move and couldn't swallow anything. We gave him fluids for the first two weeks and then fed him through a tube which passed through his nose into his stomach.
“但是它们会让你难受,而且还治不好你的病。同样,我也可以在你手臂上插上针管,给你输液,这可以让你在食欲渐渐消退时不觉得饥饿;输液可能让你的生命延长一至两周。或者,我可以撤消所有的治疗,只给你吃维他命,然后再看看有什么效果。我个人建议你选最后一种方案。我会让你没有痛苦,然后看看会发生什么事。” 病人选择了听从我的建议。两周后,她安详地、毫无痛苦地离世了。 而有时,要做出如此显而易见的决定却很困难。最近,我有一个病人严重中风。他完全动弹不得,而且不能吞咽任何东西。头两个礼拜我们给他输液,后来又通过一根导管将食物从他的鼻子输送到他的胃里。