
【英专八级听力训练】News Broadcast (Test 7)

2014-03-11 19:30
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Pentagon  五角大楼(美国国防部办公大楼)

the USS Cole 美国海军驱逐舰“科尔号”

Saudi 沙特阿拉伯的

Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri (人名)

Guantanamo  关塔那摩(古巴)

Jakarta  雅加达(印尼首都)

Padang 巴东


The Pentagon has recently announced charges in the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole. A Saudi man is being charged with "organizing and directing" the attack which killed 17 American sailors. The Pentagon is seeking the death penalty. The charges still must be approved by a Defense Department official who oversees military tribunals set up for terrorism suspects. Now the alleged plotter, whose name is Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, is the first person to be charged in the bombing. He's been held at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo for the past two years. Al-Nashiri told a hearing last year that he was tortured into confessing. Indonesia has been rocked again by an earthquake. The trembler hit around 7:30 Eastern Time, shaking the buildings in the capital Jakarta. No sign of visible damage. The U.S. Geological Survey says the quake had a magnitude of 6.3. The epicenter was out at sea about 115 miles from Jakarta. So far no tsunami warning has been issued. It is the latest in a series of quakes that has rattled Indonesia recently. More than 1,000 people are believed to have died after twin earthquakes destroyed buildings in Padang just over two weeks ago.
五角大楼最新公布针对2000年美国海军驱逐舰“科尔号”的爆炸指控。一名沙特男子被控“组织并导演”这次袭击,造成17名美国水手死亡。美国国防部要求判处嫌犯死刑。该指控须经一位国防部官员同意,此人掌管为恐怖嫌犯设立的军事审理团。所谓的策划者,名为阿尔纳什里是这起爆炸案第一个被起诉的人。过去两年来,他被关在位于关塔那摩的美军军事监狱。阿尔纳什里在去年听证会上称,自己曾被严刑逼供。 印尼再次发生地震。东部时间早晨7点30分发生颤动,造成首都雅加达的房屋摇晃。这次地震没有明显损坏的迹象。美国地质调查局称,震级为6.3级。震中位于离雅加达115英里的海域。目前没有海啸警报。此次地震是近日让印尼恐慌的系列地震中最近的一次。在两周前,巴东连续发生两次地震,摧毁建筑物,造成1000多人死亡。