
【英专八级听力训练】Mini-lecture Types of Language Test(1/3)

2014-03-06 12:03
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Today, we'll talk about the language tests. As we know, the testing history in the world can be traced back to nearly two thousand years ago. And in today's lecture, I'd like to mainly discuss the different types of language testing. The first one is a placement test, which is designed to sort new students into teaching groups, so that they can start a course at approximately the same level as the other students in the class. It is concerned with the student's present standing, and so relates to general ability rather than specific points of learning. As a rule, the results are needed quickly so that teaching may begin. A variety of tests is necessary because a range of different activities is more likely to give an accurate overall picture of a student's level than a single assessment. Sometimes one member of staff sees each student individually before the final class allocation is made. This procedure has several advantages. It helps to complete the assessment for each individual student by disclosing factors which are not revealed by the written tests, either positive ones such as a friendly, outgoing character or a higher level of production than a writing test suggests, or negative ones such as a slight stammer or more than average shyness. Perhaps the greatest advantage of the interview is that there is now the opportunity to assess both oral production (the ability to make English sounds) and fluency (the ability to sound English in a social situation) at one and the same time.
今天,我们来谈谈语言考试。正如我们所知,世界上考试的历史可以追溯到近两千年前。在今天的讲座中,我想主要与大家讨论语言考试的类别。 第一种是安置性测试,即把新生分在不同的教学组,这样他们就可以和班级学生一样,在同一水平的基础上开始一门课程。安置性测试关注的是学生目前的状况,看综合能力,而非具体的知识点。一般说来,结果需要很快得出,教学工作才能开始。学生要参加各种考试,因为不同的活动比单一测试更有可能得出学生水平的综合情况。 有的教员在期末考试之前会单独会见每个学生。这种做法有许多优点。这有助于通过发现笔试所发现不了的因素来完整评估每个学生,不管是例如友善、外向、较高知识输出优点,或者是有些口吃、害羞的缺点。也许,与学生会面的最大好处在于可以同时评估口语表达(说英语的能力)和流利程度(在交际情境中说出完整英语的能力)。