

2014-04-09 04:00
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Matsushita Company


Some years ago, the Matsushita Company was having a very bad time. Among the many measures taken, Mr. Matsushita, the founder and then chairman, became the manager of the sales department. Also, when we at Nomura converted to computers about five years ago, the new system eliminated the jobs of 700 people. We did not dismiss these people; rather, we converted them to securities sales people and some of these are now our leading sales people. Provided there is intelligence and a willingness to exert yourself, there is a place within the company to try and to succeed. In Japan, a person's capabilities are not forced into an inflexible area. And we feel the company owes a worker something for loyalty and commitment.
几年前,松下公司遇到难关。在他们所采取的措施当中,有一项就是松下先生──公司的创始人和当时的董事长──调任销售部经理。 同样,当我们野村证券公司五年前改用电脑系统时,新系统使700名员工失去了原来的工作。但我们并没有解雇他们;相反,我们将他们转为证券销售人员,其中有些如今成了这方面的骨干。只要有智慧,只要肯努力,就可以在公司里通过努力获得成功。在日本,一个人的才能不会被局限于一个固定的领域。我们认为,对于员工的忠诚奉献,公司应予以回报。