

2014-02-23 04:00
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【黑镜Black Mirror】S01E01——The National Anthem国歌



Susannah 苏珊娜

PPO 贴身保镖

sedative[ˈsɛdətɪv] n. [医]镇静剂,止痛药

What are you doing? Keep it going. Prime Minister,at this point,I think its important to say that we are 100% certain that this is,indeed,Princess Susannah. Her car was intercepted shortly after midnight,returning from the wedding of a college friend. She'd insisted on going. But you had security on her? Two PPOs,still unconscious. Heavy sedative,close range,each with a single puncture wound. No sign of struggle.
你在干嘛? 继续播放。 首相,我认为目前有必要说明我们已经完全肯定视频中确实是苏珊娜公主。 公主出席校友婚礼后半夜回家途中车辆被劫持。 公主坚持要去参加。 派保镖了吗? 两名贴身保镖,目前仍然昏迷。 均被近身注射大量镇静剂。 没有搏斗痕迹。