

2014-02-22 04:00
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No matter how bright or well-educated you are, the thing that I look at most as an employer is attitude and how it relates to productivity. As an employer, I see a large quantity of applicants who are very competent and technically skilled, but have bad attitudes. Employers are not obliged to hire you unless a good attitude is part of the equation. Has your company actively looked for employees who are disabled? I wouldn't simplify this question too much. It is not abnormal to hire people you know and trust, and for me many of those people happen to have disabilities. But, I can't guarantee someone a job just because he or she has a disability. They have to have the relevant skills, the capabilities, and the right attitude.
不管你有多聪明、学历有多高,作为雇主,我最看重的是员工的态度和它与生产效率的关系。作为一个雇主,我见过许多很能干、很有技术的应聘者,但是工作态度却不好。雇主没有义务一定要雇用你,良好的态度也是一个影响因素。 你们公司有没有主动地去寻找残疾人雇员? 我不能将这个问题过于简单化。雇用你了解、信任的人很正常,而对于我来说,那些人大多数恰好都是残疾人。当然,我不能单单因为他(她)是残疾人就保证雇用他(她)。他们必须有相关的技术、能力以及恰当的态度。