

2013-03-21 15:16
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BEC VANTAGE 听力训练啦,希望对备考的同学们有所帮助。 全文听写,英式拼法 情景商务英语每日19点更新,BEC中级每日9点更新。 450)=450"> 上一期BEC中级:【BEC中级】颜色问题 (2/2) 450)=450"> 上一期情景商务英语:【情景商务英语】086 制度(二) 本节目订阅地址: 点击订阅更方便。 HINTS Dede McGee HR
OK. In the final part of today's programme we continue our series on career progression, and this week we're taking a special look at the move from regular member of staff working alongside everyone else to becoming a manager. In the studio today we've invited Dede McGee, a freelance HR consultant, to talk to us. Dede, thanks for coming in today. What's the problem here? Presumably most people jump at the opportunity to move into management, don't they? Well, no. Actually, people often feel they should take a management position but they don't really ask themselves if it's really what they want. How do you mean? Well, deciding whether you want to continue working on the front line or whether you'd rather take on a management position sounds like a straightforward, logical step. But in fact it means changing how you work, how you think and the way you judge your own success. For example, do you want to be part of the team which solve big technical challenges or do you suddenly want to be the person who is in charge of encouraging others to come up with those solutions? You might find you miss being with your old colleagues.
好的,在今天节目的最后一部分,我们会继续我们的事业发展系列,这周我们会专门看看从一个普通的员工是如何和其他人一起并肩作战然后成为一个经理的。在今天的节目中我们邀请到了Dede McGee,一个独立HR的顾问来跟我们谈谈这个问题。Dede,感谢今天您来到我们的节目。这里的问题是什么呢?可能大多数人会急于抓住上升到经理的位置,不是吗? 不是的,事实上,人们有时会觉得他们应该坐上经理这个位置但是他们不会真的问自己实际上他们需要的是什么? 你想怎样表达你的意思? 嗯,考虑你是否想在前线工作还是你会接受听上去比较直观、合乎情理的经理的位置。例如,你会想成为团体中那个解决比较大的技术挑战的那个人还是你想成为那个负责鼓励其他人想出解决办法的那个人?你会发现自己慢慢远离了旧的同事。 知识点解析: Progression [C] (from sth)(to sth)(进入另一阶段的)发展;前进;进程 a movement forward Relating to progression by intervals larger than major seconds. "演奏过程中,与比主要的二度音程稍大的间奏有关的." Working alongside 并肩作战 Presumably ad. by reasonable assumption 很可能;大概;想必是 E.g. The Ph.D. candidate has presumably discussed the area of his research with his supervisor. 这个博士研究生被认为已经和他的导师讨论过研究领域了。 对比:presumably probably , possibly , maybe Maybe he won't see you, if you are leaving tomorrow.This sounds like the speaker hopes that he won't see you...Possibly he won't see you, if you are leaving tomorrow.This is simply stating that he might see you or he might not.Probably he won't see you, if you are leaving tomorrow.This sounds like the speaker is pretty sure he won't see you.Presumably he won't see you, if you are leaving tomorrow.This sounds like the speaker has some specific reason why he won't likely see you; otherwise, there would be no basis for presumption. Jump at 急于接受,欣然接受,抢着… How do you mean? 你想怎样表达你的意思? How do you mean和what do you mean 的区别: how do you mean着重强调通过用什么方式去表达意思,而what do you mean则是直接说想表达的意思是什么,而不需要去考虑到用什么方式来表达,比起第一句来显得直白