

沪江英语 2013-02-20 11:00
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winning 11 awards

1. Three films have tied for winning 11 awards, the most ever: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003), Titanic (1997), Ben Hur (1959).
1. 有三部影片曾经获得过11项奥斯卡大奖,为历届之最,它们分别是:《指环王3:王者归来》(2003年),《泰坦尼克号》(1997年)和《宾虚》(1959年)。

youngest and oldest

2. The youngest ever Oscar winner was Tatum O'Neal, 10, for Paper Moon (1973); the oldest was Christopher Plummer, 82, for his role in Beginners (2011). In 2013, two actresses made history as the youngest and oldest nominees ever named in the category: Quvenzhané Wallis, 9, for Beasts of the Southern Wild, and Emmanuelle Riva, 85, for Amour.
2. 奥斯卡史上最年轻的获奖者是塔特姆·奥尼尔,获奖时只有10岁,参演影片《纸月亮》(1973年);最年长的获奖者则是克里斯托弗·普卢默,获奖时已经82岁高龄,参演影片《初学者》(2011年)。在2013年度的奥斯卡提名中,有两位成为了获得最佳女演员提名史上最年轻和最年长的,她们分别是:参演《南国野兽》的夸文贾妮·沃雷斯,9岁;以及参演《爱》的埃玛妞·丽娃,85岁。

most expensive

3. Singer Michael Jackson paid $1.54 million in 1999 to Sotheby’s for David Selznick’s Best Picture Oscar for the 1939 classic Gone With the Wind.
3. 1999年,歌手迈克尔·杰克逊以154万美元的价格从苏富比拍卖行买下了《乱世佳人》(1939年)制片人大卫·塞尔兹尼克在1940年赢得的奥斯卡最佳影片小金人。

Walt Disney

4. Walt Disney holds the records for both the most Academy Award nominations (59) and Oscars won (26).
4. 华特·迪士尼是奥斯卡史上获得最多提名和奖项的人——共获59项提名,26项奖项。

Peter O’Toole

5. Peter O’Toole holds the record for most Best Actor nominations without ever winning. He's been nominated 8 times.
5. 在奥斯卡史上,彼德·奥图共获8次最佳男主角提名,但最终都没能获奖,创下了历届之最。

the longest film ever to win Best Picture

6. At 234 minutes, Gone With The Wind is the longest film ever to win Best Picture.
6. 《乱世佳人》是历届奥斯卡最佳影片中最长的一部,片长234分钟。

The largest U.S. TV audience

7. The largest U.S. TV audience was in 1998, when 52.2 million people watched Titanic win best picture.
7. 1998年,仅美国一国就有5220万人收看第70届奥斯卡金像奖的颁奖典礼,共同见证了《泰坦尼克号》获得最佳影片的一幕,也创下了历届奥斯卡颁奖盛典电视观众人数之最。

300 limousines reserved

8. 300 limousines are reserved for each year's show.
8. 每年主办方都会为奥斯卡颁奖典礼预备300辆豪华轿车。

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