
【政经一日闻】世界新闻报揭发者Sean Hoare被发现死于家中

欧达 译 2011-07-19 12:02
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One of the firstjournalists to go on the record and allege phone hacking at News of the World was found dead Monday, the British Press Association said.

Sean Hoare, a former News of the World employee who said Andy Coulson "encouraged" phone-hacking, "was discovered at his home in Watford, Hertfordshire, after concerns were raised about his whereabouts," the press association said. "The death is being treated as 'unexplained, but not thought to be suspicious,'" the report quoted Hertfordshire police as saying.
前世界新闻报的雇员Sean Hoare在公众对于其行踪表示关注的时候,在周一被发现死于家中。他同时也是举证说Andy Coulson是电话窃听事件的撺掇人的证人。根据Hertfordshire的警方称,这次死亡虽然暂时无法解释,但是也没有可疑之处。

The Guardian reported that Hoare had recently injured his nose and his foot in an accident. It was unclear whether those injuries were linked to his death. Hoare had publicly accused News of the World of phone-hacking and using "pinging" -- a method of tracking someone's cell phone using technology that only police and security officials could access -- according to the New York Times. Hoare was one of the few sources who allowed his name to be used when speaking to the Times last year for an investigative report about allegations of phone-hacking by the British tabloid.
卫报称Sean Hoare最近似乎不小心弄伤了他的鼻子和脚。很难确定这些伤是否和他的死亡有关。根据纽约时报报道,Sean Hoare曾公开指出世界新闻报使用只能由警方或者安全部门使用的pin码技术来追踪新闻人。Sean Hoare也是少数几个允许公开自己的真实名字的举报人,他们的名字在去年一次关于电话窃听的调查中被引用过。

In his remarks, he specifically accused Andy Coulson -- former editor of News of the World, who went on to become Prime Minister David Cameron's communications director -- of wrongdoing. The Times described Hoare has a "onetime close friend of Coulson's." "The two men first worked together at The Sun, where, Hoare said, he played tape recordings of hacked messages for Coulson," the Times wrote in its report last September. "At News of the World, Hoare said he continued to inform Coulson of his pursuits. Coulson 'actively encouraged me to do it,' Hoare said." The report added that Hoare said he was "fired during a period when he was struggling with drugs and alcohol. He said he was now revealing his own use of the dark arts -- which included breaking into the messages of celebrities like David and Victoria Beckham -- because it was unfair for the paper to pin the blame solely on" one reporter who covered the royal family.
在Sean Hoare的指控中,他明确指出担任卡梅隆首相首席联络官同时还担任世界新闻报编辑的Andy Coulson犯有渎职罪。时代周刊将Sean Hoare描述为Andy Coulson曾经的亲信。在去年的一次新闻中,时代周刊引述:这两人曾经一起在太阳报工作,Sean Hoare经常为Andy Coulson播放窃取而来的录音磁带。在世界新闻报工作的时候Sean Hoare依旧向Andy Coulson提供窃取来的信息,而Coulson也鼓励Sean Hoare继续窃取。同时报道还指出,Sean Hoare是因为过去的某一段时间的酗酒和嗑药被开除的,他自己也承认曾经窃取过类似于大卫贝克汉姆和维多利亚贝克汉姆这类名人的信息。

Coulson worked for Cameron until the police launched their new phone-hacking investigation in January, then resigned, still protesting his innocence, but saying he had become a distraction for the prime minister.

Hoare said that when he worked there, pinging cost the paper nearly $500 on each occasion, the Times reported. A second former editor at the paper backed Hoare's account, speaking anonymously, the Times reported.
Sean Hoare曾经表示,在他自己为世界新闻报工作的时间内,使用pin码追踪新闻人几乎每一次都要500美元左右的价格。而另外一位前编辑也匿名的肯定了Sean Hoare所说的数目。

Hoare "repeatedly expressed the hope that the hacking scandal would lead to journalism in general being cleaned up and said he had decided to blow the whistle on the activities of some of his former News of the World colleagues with that aim in mind," the Guardian reported Monday. "He also said he had been injured at a party the previous weekend while taking down a marquee erected for a children's party. He said he had broken his nose and badly injured his foot when a relative accidentally struck him with a heavy pole from the marquee," the report said. Hoare emphasized that he was not making money from telling his story, the Guardian reported.
卫报在周一报道:Sean Hoare曾经多次表示他希望对于窃听事件的曝光可以真正意义上清洗新闻记者行业,而他的确想去曝光这件事情。他自己同时也强调他在一次周末孩子们的聚会中为了收起帐篷弄伤了自己。这次意外不仅弄伤了他自己的鼻子还被帐篷的立柱严重弄伤了他的脚。




