

reality85 2006-07-10 16:03
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Working hard in paradise


Can you speak Russian

Not every person who loves traveling is cut out for the job. Tour guide trainer Cherie Anderson explains: “you have to like people. You have to be able to speak in front of a group. You have to be organized, on time and responsible .” Foreign language skills are also important as more and more people travel abroad.

The future looks bright for those who meet the criteria. Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. It already provides jobs for approximately one in nine working people.

More than just a paycheck

Despite the difficulties, leading tours can be a rewarding job. Tour guides encounter all different kinds of people on a daily basis. If they do their job well, they provide vacationers with an unforgettable experience.

When introducing a place’s culture and customs to others, tour guides also broaden their own horizons. And tour guides get to work in beautiful surroundings. Christine Turnberg, a tour guide in Alaska, says: “Being in a beautiful environment every day is amazing. (be a tour guide) can be a fantastic opportunity to see new places and faces.”

Word Bank

Approximately (adv.) 大概
Do you know approximately how many people will come to the party.

On a daily basis (adv.) 每天
Sally reports to her boss about her work on a daily basis.

Broaden one’s horizons (idiom) 拓展某人的视野、
Going to Europe broaden my horizons. I’d never been abroad before.

More Information

Hurricane (n.) 飓风
Tow major hurricanes hit Louisiana and Texas last year.

Cut out for something (idiom) 适合
Gary isn’t cut out for the manager position yet. He doesn’t have the skills.

Talk About It

Do you want to be a tour guide? Why?


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