
【老爸老妈浪漫史】s02e019 Moving Day(11)

2014-05-08 04:00
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Ted changes Barney's bachelor party plans for Marshall at the last minute, so that it won't just consist of gambling and cheap strippers. And Robin gets Lily an inappropriate shower party gift.

<听写方式: 根据提示,听写短文>
Hints:最后一句Shh! She's starting.


最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D

Here you go. Lily said it was your time of the month. You're welcome. What are you doing? Oh, just, um... rearranging the gifts. The pile looked a bit precarious. So... Oh, don't worry, I'll keep an eye on it. Great. You do that. You're gonna make a damn good nun. As many times as Robin told this story over the years, she would never quite be able to explain the logic of her next move. Is this a strip show or a Kiss concert? Shh! She's starting.
给你这个 莉莉说你正是每月的那几天 不客气 你要做什么 只是...把礼物重新摆放一下 看上去有些摇摇欲坠 别担心 我会看着的 那好 你来吧 你他妈一定会是个好修女的 此后数年 每当罗宾讲到这件事 她都无法合理的 解释她接下来的行为 这是脱衣秀还是Kiss组合的演唱会啊 嘘 她正要开始呢
相关热点: 美剧 英语听力 六级模板