
【老爸老妈浪漫史】s02e019 Moving Day(3)

2014-03-11 09:59
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Ted changes Barney's bachelor party plans for Marshall at the last minute, so that it won't just consist of gambling and cheap strippers. And Robin gets Lily an inappropriate shower party gift.

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Look, I know you have some stuff planned for Marshall's bachelor party, but he really doesn't want strippers. Yes, he does. Uh, well, he told me he doesn't. Uh, well, he told me he does. When? Every minute of every day as his inner animal thrashes against the cage of his own puritanical upbringing. Or do you guys not like naked girls. Um, we love naked girls. They're one of the best things in the world. It goes... naked girls, democracy, the scene in Every Which Way But Loose where the monkey gives a guy the finger. We just don't like your naked girls. What, my girls aren't hot enough? I mean, all right, fine, the stripper at Stuart's bachelor party was a 15. She was 15? No, a 15. Like in blackjack. As in, not sure whether you'd hit it? Exactly. Nice. This is important to Marshall. So, promise me, no strippers. All right, I promise.
我知道你是为马修的派对想点子 但他真的不想要脱衣舞 不 他想要 他跟我说他不要 他跟我说他要 什么时候 每时每刻 当他骨子里的兽性 挣破他道德约束的囚笼 难道你们不喜欢裸女 当然喜欢 她们可是世上最棒的 依次为...裸女 民主 永不低头中 猴子给那家伙竖中指 我们只是不想要你找来的舞娘 什么?难道我找来的姑娘不够辣? 斯图尔特派对上 的那个舞娘只有15岁 她15岁? 不 15点 在21点中的点数 我在犹豫到底要不要出手 真的 太好了 这对马修很重要 答应我 不搞脱衣舞 好吧 我保证
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