
【老爸老妈浪漫史】s02e016 Stuff(16)

2013-11-24 10:59
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Ted to gets rid of everything he received from other women at Robin's request, but getting rid of the stuff Robin received from other men won't be as easy. Meanwhile, Barney gets revenge on Lily for making him attend her terrible play.

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最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D

Unless, of course, you just want to admit that you were wrong... Never. Good. Okay, I gotta go rehearse. Oh, I almost forgot. Bring a poncho; the first three rows get wet. I'm sorry I didn't tell you where the dogs came from. I'm sorry I asked you to get rid of them. That was ridiculous. So we're-we're okay? Yeah, we're great. And I thought we were, but just as it did in the seventh act of Aunt Lily's play, Jealousy reared its ugly head. Oh, yeah, that's the spot.
除非 你们承认不是... 不会的 太好了 就这样 我去彩排了 忘了提醒你们要带雨衣 坐在前三排会被淋湿的 我很抱歉 没有告诉你狗是哪里来的 我很抱歉让你把它们扔了 有点不可思议 这么说我们扯平了 是的 扯平了 尽管我那么认为 但是如同莉莉戏里第七幕演的那样 我还是满怀妒忌 真舒服
相关热点: 美剧 英语听力 peppa pig