
【老爸老妈浪漫史】s02e015 Lucky Penny(1)

2014-03-01 04:00
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 a ripple effect

最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D

Kids, never underestimate the power of destiny. Because when you least expect it, the littlest thing can cause a ripple effect that changes your life. Take for instance my trip to Chicago. That security guard was a little bit handsy. That's funny. She barely touched me. Uh, Gate 23. Come on. If we miss this flight, I will never forgive myself. Why was this flight so important? Let's back up a few months to the fall of 2006. I had just sold my first building design and become the youngest project manager in my firm's history. Suddenly I was being headhunted. One firm was even considering me to run their entire New York office. They were flying me in for a final interview at their corporate headquarters in Chicago. It was the opportunity of a lifetime. It was my destiny. There was just one problem. Hi, wait, two more. Sorry, you're too late, I already shut the doors. Well, I'm sure if we pull real hard we can open them. Hmm, I wish it worked like that, but see, once I close those doors, that's it. Nobody else is allowed down that jet-way.
孩子,千万不要低估命运的力量, 因为只要你对命运还有期待, 哪怕微不足道的事情也能给你生活带来意想不到的变化。 就像我当年去芝加哥。。。 那个保安有点咸猪手。 搞笑,她只是碰了下我。 23号登机口,快点。 如果我们错过了这趟班机,我永远不会原谅自己的。 这趟班机为什么如此重要? 让我们回到几个月前,那是06年秋天,我刚刚卖掉第一份建筑设计图纸,并且成为了我们公司历史上最年轻的经理。 瞬时,我成为众猎头公司的目标,一家公司甚至考虑让我管理他们纽约办事处。他们安排我参加最后一道面试,在他们的芝加哥总部。 这是一生中的少有的机会,这会决定我的命运,但是有一个问题。 等等,还有两个人。 对不起,你们迟到太久了,我已经关上登机门了。 能不能通融通融。 我也希望你们能进去,门一旦关上 就没有办法能让每人能够在下到登机舱。