

2014-02-01 04:00
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I don't think your sword will fit. I get that a lot. And so, as Lily began painting, Marshall thought about the 5000 dollars and what his fiancee was doing to earn it. This isn't right. This isn't right at all. Finally, he could take it no more. Hold still. Hold still. Hold still! Paint faster! Okay, I guess it's time. Drop your shorts. Yeah. Wait, wait! That wasn't enough buildup. I need... In a world without justice, one man-- Oh, just drop them! All right. No! No, this is not right! We had a deal! Well, I'm going back on the deal. Barney, get out! You...! It's over! Lily, I can't let you go through with this!
我觉得你不必拿剑。 我剑太多了。 于是当莉莉开始画画, 马修想着5000美圆和他的未婚妻会做什么来赚到它。 这不对,完全不对。 他终于控制不住了。 别动! 别动!! 别动!!! 快点画。 我想是时候了。 脱下你的小裤裤。 好。 等等。 还没做好准备。 我需要... 在一个没有正义的世界,一个人。。。 脱吧。 好。 不,这不对。 我们说好了的。 我要终止这个协议。 巴尼出去... 你... 结束了。 我不能让你受这些煎熬。