

2014-01-31 04:00
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Barnabus Stinson

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What? I don't believe this! You're, you're, you're wearing my clothes! And my girlfriend's... sneakers-- man, you have weirdly small feet. Ted, I hope that you're not going to let our professional woes interfere with our friendship, because I really kind of need you right now. Okay, let's get this over with. Hey, hey! I don't want you phoning this in. This painting could, someday, become a serious work of art. I mean, you have been blessed with an amazing gift. Thank you. I meant me. Now, I like how you captured Marshall's essence. Goofy and unburdened, with wit. But me, I want something more regal. Something my progeny could look at and say, "There's stands Barnabus Stinson." He was wise...and strong. I don't think your sword will fit. I get that a lot. And so, as Lily began painting, Marshall thought about the $5,000 and what his fiancee was doing to earn it.
什么?我不敢相信。 你穿我的衣服,我女朋友的运动鞋,你有一双奇怪的小脚。 我希望你不会让我们工作上的分歧影响到我们的友谊。 因为我现在真的需要你。 让我们开始。 我不想让你在这打电话。 这幅画假以时日,可能会成为著名的艺术品,上帝赐予你了惊人的天赋。 谢谢。 我是说我自己... 我喜欢你那幅画里体现出的气质,憨厚、天真,又带一点聪明。 但是我,我想要一些帝王气。 一种我的后代会瞻仰并说,那矗立的巴尼·斯丁森, 他智慧并强壮。 我觉得你不必拿剑。 我剑太多了。 于是当莉莉开始画画, 马修想着5000美圆和他的未婚妻会做什么来赚到它。