
【绝望的主妇】S02E03 A game

2013-04-22 08:52
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Everyone enjoys a game of make-believe now and then. Of course, the ways in which we play can vary greatly. Sometimes we tell ourselves work won't interfere with our family life. Sometimes, we imagine certain relationships to be more meaningful than they really are. Occasionally, we put on a show, as if to convince ourselves our secrets aren't really all that terrible. Yes, the game of make-believe is a simple one. You start by lying to yourself. And if you can get others to believe those lies, you win.
每个人都享受着一种叫做“假装”的游戏。当然,玩这种游戏的方法各种各样,有时候,我们告诉我们自己,工作不会影响到我们的家庭生活;有时候,我们想象着和别人的关系能够更加有意义;偶尔,我们还会上演一场表演,似乎是要去说服我们自己不是所有的秘密都那么恐怖。是的,叫做“假装”的游戏很简单:以自欺开始,然后如果你让别人也开始相信那些谎言,那么,你赢了! ——译文来自: 叶伴风吟1314