

2014-01-16 04:00
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Some kids dream of being astronauts. Some kids dream of playing baseball. When I was a kid, I had only one dream. To build a skyscraper. That's stupid. There were some obstacles along the way. But eventually my dream came true. I became an architect. Morning, everyone! So, I had an idea for the atrium. Ready? Columns. That's stupid. I... I can't believe you knocked over my model. Well, it's just...it's not exactly new, is it? columns? I mean, what's your next groundbreaking idea ceilings? Floors? Windows? I know what you're thinking: Who's this jerk? Well, this jerk was Hammond Druthers, a legend in the architecture community.
一些孩子梦想成为宇航员。 一些孩子梦想成为棒球运动员。 当我小的时候,我只有一个梦想就是想造一栋摩天大楼。 那很蠢。 这条路是坎坷的,但是最终我的梦想实现了。 我成为了一名建筑师。 早上好,各位。 我有个设计大堂的创意, 看好。 圆柱。 那太糟了。 我不个敢相信你弄翻了我的模型。 不过...它不是最新的创意。 是不是,圆柱? 你一下惊世骇俗的创意是什么?天花板? 地板? 窗户? 我知道你在想什么,这垃圾是谁? 这家伙是汉默·德拉泽,建筑界的一个传奇。