

2014-01-05 04:00
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faux hawk

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Hot. You say things! Well, come on, let's get you back to my place, we'll get you settled. Um, actually, I'm going to stay with Kyle tonight. Uh, no, you're not. Oh, come on. It's kind of a special night. If you know what I mean. What? Oh. Oh... I can't believe my baby sister is planning to lose her virginity to a...douche with a faux hawk. This can't happen. You guys have to help me talk her out of it. Speech to talk a girl out of having sex. Yeah, I don't have any of those. Discouraging premarital sex is against my religion. Please? I'm her older sister. I'm supposed to teach her how to make good and responsible decisions. It's 2:00 and you've already had three scotch and sodas. That's why I need your help.
美女。 你小子嘴巴还真甜。 那我们回去吧,我帮你打理好。 其实,今晚我和凯尔住。 不行,你今晚不会跟他住。 求求你啦... 今晚是个特别的日子... 听懂了? 什么? 哦,哦... 我不敢想相信我的小妹妹会失身于一个鸡冠头的猥琐男,这不能发生。 你们得帮我说服她,告诉一个女人不要做爱。 从来没干过。 防止婚前性交是有违我的宗教信仰的。 求你啦?我是她的大姐,我应该教她怎么做明智的决定。 已经两点了而且你已经喝了三杯苏格兰威士忌了。 正因如此,我才需要你们的帮忙。