
【老爸老妈浪漫史】s02e011 圣诞到啦(16)

2014-01-03 04:00
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Hints:Staten Island
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Dude... how was the concert? I couldn't find the outside. I can't believe Ted remembered after all these years. Yeah, and after all that weed. Where is he anyway? Staten Island. Why? Okay, don't tell your mom, but I got you guys some presents. Like the gift of God's love? No, dude, real presents. Uncle Ted got us presents! That's okay, Ted, we'll just give them to charity. Yay! Uh, not you, Charity. I meant the less fortunate. Ted, how would you like to say grace tonight? Uh, you know what, why don't you say it. I really wouldn't know what to say. Why don't you recite your favorite passage of scripture. That's a great idea, Charity. But, really, I don't know.I mean...
哥们... 音乐会怎么样? 我在外面找不到入口。 我简直不能相信泰德居然还记得那么多年前的事情。 是啊,在除去了所有乱七八糟的东西之后。 他去哪了? 斯塔藤岛。 为什么? 我没有告诉你们的妈妈 , 但是我给你们带礼物了。 就像上帝的爱那种礼物? 不是,小朋友。 是真正的礼物。 泰德叔叔给我们带礼物了! 泰德,这很好,我们可以把礼物给慈善团体。 不是你,查瑞迪, 我指的是那些不幸的人, 泰德,今晚你想说些什么? 你知道吗?你为什么不自己说呢? 我真不知道该说什么。
相关热点: 美剧 英语听力 英语阅读