
【绝望的主妇】S01E08 Guilt

2013-03-01 08:36
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Bree Van de Kamp

There is a widely read book that tells us everyone is a sinner. Of course, not everyone who reads this book feels guilt over the bad things that they do. But Bree Van de Kamp did. In fact, Bree had spent most of her life, feeling guilty. As a child, she felt guilty about not getting straight A's. As a teenager, she felt guilty about letting her boyfriend go to second base. As a newlywed, she felt guilty about taking three weeks to get out her thank you cards. she knew the transgressions of her past were nothing compared with the sin she was about to commit.
有一本流行的书告诉我们,每一个人都是罪人。当然了,并不是每个人看了这本书就会对他们所作的坏事而感到内疚。但是Bree Van de Kamp did觉就得。事实上,Bree对她这辈子做的许多事情都感到愧疚。在还是小孩的时候,她因为成绩没有得到一排A而感到内疚;青少年时,她又为了让她男朋友上二垒(吃豆腐)而难受;作为新娘时,她又因为花了三个星期来写致谢卡而内疚。她知道过去所做的不好的事情都没有办法与这次相要坦白的罪过相比的。 ——译文来自: 韩茵茉