

@贺小米要养龙猫 2013-11-20 10:55
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The How I Met Your Mother spinoff is moving from rumor to reality.

CBS ordered this sitcom to pilot yesterday, confirming talk from earlier this month that creator Carter Bays was in talks to create a new series very similar to the one that's coming to an end this spring, only with the gender of the title character flipped.
CBS电视台昨天宣布预订此剧,这也证实了该剧制片人Carter Bays说要在明年春末制作一部类似喜剧的说法,而片名也只是把寻妈改成了找爹。

CBS is referring to HIMYD as a "“kindred spirit" to How I Met Your Mother, with the new series telling its tale from a female point of view.

It will feature new character and Bays Tweeted last night that they will NOT be introducer on the How I Met Your Mother Season 9 finale.

“This will be its own, totally new show," he wrote.
